Children and family
5 Life Lessons Learned from a Toddler

5 Life Lessons Learned from a Toddler

Toddlers can instruct us in life lessons that we can use to be successful in our interactions as adults. Toddlers may live with their emotions on their sleeves and get upset quickly, but they also love unconditionally and want to be near those they care about all the time. This list focuses on life lessons that toddlers can provide for us.

Be Original

You know who you are. You love who you are, so don’t copy anyone. Live your life for you and do what you enjoy.

Toddlers live this every day like no other age group. They know what they enjoy and expect everyone else to bend to their whim, whether it is something the other person enjoys or not. They also are themselves in any situation. It doesn’t matter the location. Haven’t you been with your toddler at a place that demands quiet and they are loud? That is because they expect the world to accommodate to them. This changes as we age and we begin to conform more to rules, but always being yourself should continue as you age. You are the only person who is like you!

Be Independent

But not too confident to ask for help when needed.

Toddlers always want to do it themselves even when they are experiencing a new situation. They can handle it. And they will let you know that. They will, however, ask for help if they feel like they may not fully succeed. They will try first. Try something new and don’t second guess yourself when you are not as good at an activity as you think you should be . How else will you learn? Allow yourself some grace.

Be Grateful

When the world seems so much bigger than you, you are grateful when you are included.

You are grateful for a seat at the table. Things happen for a reason and shape our lives. We should remain grateful for the experiences that form who we are. Sometimes these experiences challenge us and are difficult, but they provide us with a foundation for our next step to reach our goals. Live with gratefulness in your heart.

Be Mesmerized

Nothing is insignificant for a toddler.

A run through the sprinkler brings on laughter. A walk around the block in a light drizzle is the highlight of the day. Enjoyment is found in the smallest event. This should continue throughout life. Pure enjoyment does not have to be extravagant or pricey. It can be small and simple. If it is heart felt, it can be so impactful. Look around and see something old for the first time.

Be Playful

Toddlers do not take anything or themselves too seriously.

They are always ready to have fun and play a game. Find something fun to do each day that makes you smile. Laughter has been documented to aid in health. Have more fun daily and see how much more enjoyment you can get out of your daily routine.

Do you currently have a toddler in your home? Do you see some of these lessons coming to life through them? 

Be you, be focused, be well!

Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

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4 thoughts on “5 Life Lessons Learned from a Toddler

    • Author gravatar

      Wonderfully said! I learned so much about what happiness and joy there is to be found in every day small things during my kids’ toddler years. I miss those wide eyes of amazement now that they think they know more than me about it all 😂

      • Author gravatar

        Amanda- It’s nice to remember those toddler times for sure. I now have a preteen and a three year old with a nine year old in between, so I get the gamut of emotions. Thank you for reading! And for your compliment and comment. I appreciate it! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      Toddlers are so great! You can learn so much! And the added bonus, is they sleep through the night so you can sleep too! But their imagination is amazing, and the way the learn new things is delightful to watch

      • Author gravatar

        Katherine- I absolutely adore the toddler stage because of all those things. It is a challenge for sure because of all the battles of developing independence. But the other aspects, make it a fun growth time. Thank you so much for reading! |Shanna|

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