The Lies We Tell (ourselves)

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. As individuals, we speak to ourselves in our own mind many times long before anyone else can stop us from achieving greatness. We use our own negative thoughts as dream killers to what we want to accomplish. Why do we […]

Dear Teacher- This is a Thank You

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. My children recently completed their first nine weeks of school for this year. End of the reporting period means parent teacher conferences since we returned to school after two years of home schooling. Usually, my children perform well in school. […]

Easy like a Sunday

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. I posted recently about my evening routine. Now, I am going to talk about one of my favorite days on the week. SUNDAY: the day of the week before Monday and following Saturday, observed by Christians as a day of […]

How To Optimize Your Bedtime Routine

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife- a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman.  I always try to maximize different parts of my day. Bedtime is not any different; however bedtime for moms is usually a challenge because we don’t rest until everyone else is sleeping. You can have your ideal night-time plan, but others’ responses […]

How to Identify a Helicopter Parent

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. How do you define a helicopter parent? What comes to your mind when you think of a helicopter parent? Have you been called a helicopter parent before? Do you know a helicopter parent? Helicopter parenting was developed in 1969 in […]

How to Choose a Word of the Year

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. This is a great time of year to choose a Word of the Year for 2023. My word of the year for 2022 is FORWARD: situated in advance; strongly inclined; ready; notably advanced or developed; of, relating to, or getting ready […]

Part of My Journey from Space

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. How do you get beyond yourself today, leave fear behind, and live out your childhood dreams? In the 4th grade, I wrote about the requirements and expectations that were necessary to become an astronaut. That is the career path I […]

How To Become More Productive Everyday

Find Your Flourish! was initially established to assist you in creating desired outcomes for your life in every area to include at home and in your professional career. This has continued to be a main focus for the blog as I have always been intrigued by the area of productivity. Fortune 500 companies are able to achieve a certain level […]

Do You Think Birth Order is Important?

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. Today it is raining and I am at home with my oldest child and my youngest child. These are the girls. One is a teenager. One is a toddler. So we have tears and yelling from both at various times […]

We Are All Trying To Do Our Best

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. This summer we took a trip as a family with my parents to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My father decided to rent a RV in the Class- B category. Class B is the smallest type of RV. It gives you standing space, […]