How to Control Your Anxiety Level like a Boss

When you think about being in charge of something huge and massive, you think of a boss or a CEO. A boss mindset. A boss is in control. A boss who is calm under pressure. This person is successful because they can control their anxiety when under pressure. Surely, you don’t think of me: a mother working from home, having […]

5 Life Lessons Learned from a Toddler

Toddlers can instruct us in life lessons that we can use to be successful in our interactions as adults. Toddlers may live with their emotions on their sleeves and get upset quickly, but they also love unconditionally and want to be near those they care about all the time. This list focuses on life lessons that toddlers can provide for […]

Having Anxiety and still Being a Great Mom

One of the most difficult decisions I made as a mom was created because of the pandemic. It creates a significant amount of anxiety for me. Everyone has something they remember about the year 2020 and will probably talk about it as long as they live. In 2020, I had to face a tough decision that I could not procrastinate […]

How to defeat denial and procrastination in order to accomplish more

Denial is a form of self deception. Being able to defeat denial, procrastination, and self deception require an intentional plan on your part. Self deception is the action or practice of allowing oneself to believe that a false or unvalidated feeling, idea, or situation is true( Definitions from Oxford Languages). For further explanation on self deception and the other forms […]

Happy days are here again!

Somedays just make you smile from the inside out. These days are happy days. And happy days are here again. Everyone has those type of days that they would like to live on repeat as much as possible, because they make the challenging days worth it. They make those challenging days bearable. Like if we get through a few of […]

End Self Deception and Love Your True Self

In order for you to conquer challenges in your life and achieve a level of success you are proud of, you have to end self deception. You have to look at yourself honestly and with the ability to recognize your faults. Then, with the capacity to address these faults, you can improve you. Ending self deception allows you to love […]

Easy self care activities for you, beautiful!

Consistent self care activities may be new to you. Here are self care activities that you can implement immediately and quickly. You can put these self care activities into your weekly schedule and build consistency from doing one or both of these. If you have not practiced self care consistently, do not try to do everything you see immediately. There […]

How to use Unplugging as a form of Self Care

Unplugging has different definitions to different people. One thing that should be added to their definitions is that it serves as a form of self care.  Unplugging= self care What does unplugging mean? For this post, let’s determine a working definition for unplugging. Unplugging for the purpose of this post is relating directly to taking time away from electronic devices […]

Find out what Journaling Can Do for You

You are now at that place where you still need something else to support our mental status in between those regularly scheduled self care appointments. This is where you can find out what journaling can do for you. You may say that you are not much of a writer or that you don’t enjoy writing. But you can be both […]

High value self care items for moms

Here is a list of high value items that you can use for self care on a weekly basis. Use this list to provide ideas when you schedule your self care time. This list is also a good resource to use when people ask you what is a gift you would want for yourself. Sometimes it is hard to think […]