Morning Routine
Morning Routine defined and why you should have one

Morning Routine defined and why you should have one

What is a morning routine and why should you have one?

A morning routine consists of activities that you perform on a daily basis before you begin your tasks for the day. Morning routines can vary from individual to individual; however everyone can reap similar benefits from performing a routine. Successful morning routines are performed consistently, usually have a component of movement or exercise, and have an activity of self reflection like journaling.

A morning routine readys you for the day.

Morning routine benefits

  1. Make you more productive
  2. Allow you to feel more alert throughout the day
  3. Ease the stress of tasks

Still not sure if you want to utilize a morning routine on a daily basis? What if I tell you a morning routine can take you from feelings of disorganization and being unfocused to feelings organization and improvement in focusing.

In order to successfully start a morning routine that will create benefits for you, you need to assess your current morning routine. Honestly.

How to assess you morning routine

I would describe my morning routine as

The activities I perform consistently in my morning routine are

The activities I would like to add to my morning routine are

My motivation for performing my morning routine is

The last statement is the key to change. Why do you want a morning routine to do for you? To decrease stress? To add more time in your day? To help you become more organized?

The activities that you decide to feature in your routine should relate directly back to your motivation.

To know how to move forward, you have to identify where you are currently.

Make a list of your current activities. It could start with brush my teeth, make my bed. Now, make a list each day for 1 week. Write down these tasks and also write down how you felt your day went after you performed your morning routine. This is the week that you don’t change anything. You just document what you do as part of your morning routine for each day.

After creating your list for each day, you need to evaluate your activities using the following questions. There is some mental work that has to be performed on the front end as you establish your routine. But this work is worth it as you form a morning routine that creates a positive impact in your daily routine and causes you to become more productive and less stressed.

10 questions to evaluate your morning routine

  • How do I feel after my morning routine?
    • Do you feel energized, calm, and ready to start the day, or are you stressed and rushed?
    • Identify your feelings immediately after you perform your last morning routine activity and make note of it with your list of activities.
  • Does my morning routine align with my daily goals?
    • Are the activities in your routine helping you achieve your short- and long-term goals?
    • Identify what you short and long term goals are.
  • Am I allowing enough time for my morning routine?
    • Are you constantly rushed, or do you have adequate time to complete each task?
    • Identify the amount of time you need for your morning routine tasks and make sure you have enough time to not feel rushed.
  • What activities do I enjoy most in my morning routine?
    • Which parts of your routine make you feel good and which ones feel like a chore?
  • Is my morning routine flexible enough?
    • Can you adjust your routine when unexpected events occur without feeling overwhelmed?
    • What morning routine activity is a must do?
  • Am I prioritizing self-care in my morning routine?
    • Are you including activities that promote mental and physical well-being, like movement and prayer?
  • How does my morning routine impact the rest of my day?
    • Does it set a positive tone for the day, or does it lead to stress and inefficiency?
  • Are there habits in my morning routine that could be improved or eliminated?
    • Identify any time-wasting or unproductive habits that could be replaced with more beneficial activities.
  • Does my morning routine include a healthy breakfast?
    • Are you fueling your body with nutritious food, or are you skipping breakfast or eating unhealthy options?
  • Am I consistent with my morning routine?
    • Do you follow your routine regularly, or do you frequently skip it or change it?

Why I love my morning routine?

My morning routine has been revamped and had several iterations through the years and the seasons. One thing I do know is that I need my morning routine and I have to perform it consistently. My morning routine allows me to have time by myself to get organized for the day. But it also allows me to feel more in control of how my day is going to go. It gives me space to plan activities for the day and also provides me with enough structure that I feel supported.

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Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish!


3 thoughts on “Morning Routine defined and why you should have one

    • Author gravatar

      Great post! I used to think spontaneity and variety in all aspects of my life was the ultimate aim. Then I realised that philosophy was killing my productivity.
      A routine is crucial to make meaningful progress and keep you on track.
      I like the idea of reassessing your morning routine. I think mine may need some tweaks now!

      • Author gravatar

        Thank you for taking your time to read and comment on this post. I greatly appreciate it. I hope that this post will provide you with some inspiration as you assess what you need to change about your present routine to get the most out of it.

    • […] is, the benefits of having a morning routine, and how to evaluate your current morning routine here. That previous post will help you get started on your morning routine […]

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