Morning Routine
A Structured Morning Routine and its Benefits

A Structured Morning Routine and its Benefits

Check out the post about what a morning routine is, the benefits of having a morning routine, and how to evaluate your current morning routine here. That previous post will help you get started on your morning routine journey.

Evaluate your morning routine using these questions

  1. How do I feel after my morning routine?
  2. Does my morning routine align with my daily goals?
  3. Am I allowing enough time for my morning routine?
  4. What activities do I enjoy most in my morning routine?
  5. Is my morning routine flexible enough?
  6. Am I prioritizing self-care in my morning routine?
  7. How does my morning routine impact the rest of my day?
  8. Are there habits in my morning routine that could be improved or eliminated?
  9. Does my morning routine include a healthy breakfast?
  10. Am I consistent with my morning routine?

Make sure you take your time to answer each question honestly and thoughtfully. This will allow for you to be able to have a base for further development of a morning routine that will benefit you and your well-being throughout the day.

You may already have a morning routine, but assessing it completely will let you see some of the areas that your morning routine can be improved. Creating structure or enhanced structure is essential in any routine.

Benefits of a structure morning routine

A structured morning routine offers several benefits that can positively impact your day and overall well-being. Here are five benefits:

1. Increased Productivity

Who doesn’t want to accomplish more in their day? I have a passion for productivity as I use it to get to doing things that I enjoy. Tasks have to be completed. That can not be stopped, but how much time you spend on completing your task list can be decreased with increased productivity.

Starting your day with a clear plan and a structure morning routine helps you focus on tasks that are important. It helps to set the tone for your day and decreases the amount of stress you experience.

2. Enhanced Mental Clarity

A structure morning routine helps your brain establish boundaries for activities and also allows you to be able to know what is expected from day to day. These activities help you clear your mind for upcoming challenges that you may experience. You will have improved mental clarity that will improve your decision making ability, a crucial component of being successful in all areas of your life.

3. Improved Physical Health

Have a structured morning routine that features some type of movement activity is key. Activities can be as rigorous as a morning run or as calm as yoga. Both have physical benefits for your body. This part of your morning routine not only provides structure, but it also increases energy levels, increases your metabolism, regulates your sleep cycle, and improves your health.

I can speak directly to this aspect of a morning routine as I chose to add component of movement into my morning routine daily. I challenged myself starting with a 2 week streak and continued just adding time onto it. I have been at it now for over 1 year and it has resulted in significant health benefits including a close to 30 pound weight loss. I chose to perform a simple, not to strenuous routine in my home setting. The benefits I have been able to reap have been a direct result of remaining consistent.

4. Stress Reduction

Are you sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of decisions you have to make in a day? And amazed by the number of people who count on you to make those decisions?

With a structured morning routine, you do not have to decide what you are going to do in the morning or think about ways to help yourself become more productive. It positions you away from the chaos. Predictability lowers stress levels and places you in a calm mindset to begin the activities of your day.

5. Consistency and Discipline

Maintaining a structure morning routine is one of the best ways to support personal discipline and build good habits. Your morning routine consists of activities that support you personally. Performing these activities regularly is a form of self care. It also is a cycle that produces rewards. These rewards encourage you to continue to perform the routine, so the cycle is repeated again and again.

As you repeat your structured morning routine, the consistency and discipline in this area will filter into other areas of your life. Personal growth will occur.

What happens when I do not perform my morning routine?

I have to perform my morning routine. Without it, I have difficulty focusing on tasks throughout my day. My morning routine is crucial for me to be able to be able to plan out tasks for my day as part of my routine is to review my upcoming tasks for the day, as well as confirm time blocks for activities.

I also have the movement component that I perform that aids me in supporting my overall health.

Interested in finding out how to structure your morning routine so you can reap these benefits, sign up below! I have systems that have really supported me along my own morning routine journey.

Progressing along and building up your morning routine will only have a positive effect on your daily life. Don’t wait. Take action because looking back in a few months so much could have changed if you take steps today.

Thank you for taking the time to connect with me on the blog. Like and share this post with a friend because everyone can benefit from a structured morning routine.

Be well, be focused, be you! Find Your Flourish!


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