Easy like a Sunday
Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. I posted recently about my evening routine. Now, I am going to talk about one of my favorite days on the week.
SUNDAY: the day of the week before Monday and following Saturday, observed by Christians as a day of rest and religious worship and (together with Saturday) forming part of the weekend.

Do you have a favorite day of the week? Sunday has become mine for many reasons. Most of the time, Sunday can seem like it is extra long because there is an early start for my family due to church and then there is time in the afternoon to take nap and do other activities. Some of those activities assist us in readying for the week. Other activities focus on relaxation and connection. In the fall and winter, Sundays are also synonymous with NFL games in our house as well.
A most recent Sunday of activity went something like this:
I slept in slightly past my usual Sunday wake up time, because we had a busy Saturday that included attending a neighbor’s party. Once I started my day, my oldest asked for breakfast- so I planned to make grits before we went to church. I got myself ready and dressed, except for fixing my hair. I assisted the toddler in getting dressed. This resulted in a slight melt-down from her. I wanted her to wear a certain outfit. She wanted to wear her usual t-shirt and leggings. T-shirt and leggings. That is her go to outfit ; every day, all day. Well, I wanted her to wear a shirt that was textured at the top with a sheer ruffle bottom and leggings that matched. So the outfit was a compromise. Or so I thought. There was a battle of the wills. Sometimes I allow her to choose her clothes. We end up with a t-shirt and leggings or a sweat shirt and leggings on more cool days. The t-shirts and sweatshirts are usually her favorite ones. They can not have ruffles, puffy sleeves, appliqués, some sort of batting, or any other kind of girly, frilly attachment.

Once we were both dressed, we went to let the dog out and I started the grits for breakfast. I returned to the bathroom to fix my hair. I made sure the other 2 children were completing their morning routine. My husband had already left to serve at church. Breakfast was served as I packed up snacks that everyone could eat after church. If you have children, you know that they are basically hungry all this time. Part of being a mother is making sure they do not gorge themselves on all the wrong kinds of food in excess all the time. Sometimes treats are called for but we can’t survive on treats.

Breakfast concluded. It was then time to perform the leaving the house routine. Bathroom break for everyone. Dog let out. Socks and shoes on. Back-up coats grabbed in case it is chilly indoors due to air conditioning. Church service.
After church is where things get interesting, sometimes we do things as a family. Other times we visit grandparents for Sunday dinner. Sometimes we have other events to attend.
This Sunday it was a boys outing and a girls outing. So the boys went to do some things at our office. And the girls went home to, of course, eat first. I made lunch that consider of heat pressed sandwiches and grapes. I completed my organization project of my toddler’s clothing that included downsizing her wardrobe to a smaller piece of furniture, as well as organizing her closet.
We performed the leave the house routine once again.
The teenager has wanted a second ear piercing for awhile. My children just completed the first semester of their school year. Performance was high. We decided this was a good time for her to get this done. The toddler was also considering getting her ears pierced. She was going to wait and see big sister get hers first. We went to the jewelry store and spent about an hour and a half there. Teenager’s ears were pierced a second time. Toddler decided to wait.
Phone call from the boys. Because they worked so hard, they were headed to get a treat. They invited us to meet them. We ended up having dinner and a treat all together. So enjoyable. We all returned home. Let the dog out and started the evening routine. Unfortunately this Sunday, I did not get a nap because we were out longer than anticipated. It was worth it.

Chores needed to be completed so I did laundry. I gave the toddler a bath. I took a shower. Football was playing the background during these activities. We spent some time all together doing various activities before bed.
Then it was story time…….bed time routine. Look ahead and plan for the week.

I am already looking forward to next Sunday.
I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help you excel in both areas without compromising in either area since I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I am so grateful you decided to read this post and check out Find Your Flourish!
Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|
- How to Use Affirmations to Support Your Children
- How to Customize Your Morning Routine so It Works
- How to Discover Your Passion and Develop Your Midlife Business
- Mom [Boss]
- How to Identify and Set Intentions for Your Morning Routine

It’s always nice to hear about how others spend their Sunday – yours sounds like a great one packed with stuff!
Simona- I appreciate your comment. Sundays remain my favorite day of the week. Relaxing yet full of things to do. Thank you for reading. |Shanna|
You had a wonderful Sunday!
I also love Sundays because its the time that we go to the park and have some picnic or anywhere else with family.
Hye Jin- Family time is the best. It is so wonderful to make memories with those you love. Thank yo for checking out this post. |Shanna|
I do love Sunday’s. For me they are a day to relax and unwind. It sounds like you had a lovely day. x
Kim- It was a wonderful day. I hope you get to relax and unwind this Sunday. Enjoy! |Shanna|
I love Sundays. It is my favourite work day – I get up at 4h00, the house is calm and quite and I get so much work done before the week even starts. When everyone is up we spend the day together, often doing as little as possible and I love it.
Laura- No wonder Sunday is also a favorite for you! Your day sounds perfect and relaxing. Hope your next Sunday is enjoyable. |Shanna|
What a lovely day. We called heat-pressed sandwiches “toasties” in the UK. We love them too. My eldest daughter had her second ear piercing last week as it was her birthday and she’s been working hard in school too xxx
Claire- Thank you for commenting on this post. I enjoy hearing about how lives are parallel even if we are miles apart. My daughter looks so nice with her seconds hole as she is now wearing small hoops in the first ones and studs in the second ones. |Shanna|