Fatherhood: Through the Eyes of a Grateful Mother
Experiencing motherhood is like no other event in a mother’s life. It is like nothing ever experienced before. There are plenty of enjoyable times mixed with life’s challenges. There are hopes and dreams, as well as disappointments. But many times, the mothers are accompanied by fathers at their sides. Fatherhood is also an experience like no other. Looking at fatherhood through my eyes. I am a grateful mother who was raised by a caring father. I am a grateful mother who was able to marry and create a life with a wonderful man, who became a wonderful father to our children.

Parenthood is one of those life events that you really can not prepare for. You can read all the books, go to all the classes, and ready yourself for the moment. But there are so many unknowns. Until it happens, predictions are often incorrect.
You also do not know how your spouse is going to respond to parenthood either. You may have dreams of their role in childrearing and what should take place, however it may be totally different in reality. Fatherhood definitely has its own set of stressors. Fathers have to be concerned with professional success, finances, their marriage relationship, as well as how they are raising and influencing their children.

Unconditional Love
True fatherhood is characterized by unconditional love. Children may not always obey and may not always take advice given, but fathers love them in spite of themselves. Fathers become the dominant male figure that demonstrates how to love at various stages in a child’s life. Sometimes fathers are stern and strict, but that does not negate that they will do whatever it takes for their child to succeed even placing their own dreams on hold.
Fathers feed their families in whatever capacity needed. Natural and spiritual. Fathers supply provision for their children to survive. They also provide a path for their children to learn. As soon a baby is born, the baby requires immediate care. Many times a father may see a baby as his financial responsibly, but their contribution to a child’s upbringing can develop into so much more than that. Once they choose to be an active participant in the child’s life.
Positive Experiences
Caring fathers allow their families to experience new things so they can make memories. Who has that memory of your father taking you to do something fun on the weekends? Those memories create a positive base for you to reflect on your time growing up. Your time as part of a family. Yes, there are challenges. Good fathers will let you know that, but having a good time in between those challenges is when you really live. Great fathers let you know that!
Winning at Life
Fathers teach their children the way games are played. And how to be winners. Fathers believe in their children at all times by letting them know they can accomplish what ever they put their mind to. Fathers become an example of success and hard work. Because most fathers are very logical, [hard + work = results] is usually a common equation children learn from an early age.
New Experiences
Fathers introduce their children on new experiences. Fathers take their children on new journeys that they gain life lessons from. It is easy for a child to settle into a comfort zone. A true father will gently nudge their child from this zone, so they can grow.
Lessons taught by invested fathers:
- -How to not be afraid of new situations
- -How to accomplish your dreams
- -How to treat others
- -How to value yourself
Extra Support
Fathers are always present to help lift their children up when they need extra support. Fathers make sacrifices their children don’t even know in order to provide their children with an advantage in life. Providing children with extra support is something that fathers are always available to do. They are the ones who stay up late and help their child study. They drive them to sports practice after a long day at the office. They wake up early on Saturdays to spend that additional time with their children.
Love of Learning
Fathers remain mesmerized about learning and new experiences! This characteristic fosters a life long love of learning in their children that will serve them as they grow. Fathers can provide their children with so many experiences as they grow. Showing their children that they are ready to learn about different things and participate in new activities allows their children to see the father learning something new.

Thank you, Fathers!
Thank you for:
- being dedicated to your children
- loving your children unconditionally
- serving as their first role model of a real man
- embodying being a father and a daddy

Support for Parents
For anyone who is feeling like parenthood is too much, please know that you are not alone. Reaching out for help is the best thing to do when it seems like there is no way out. Using the resource of National Alliance on Mental Illness.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, seek help. If it is an emergency, call 911. If you are looking for mental health assistance that is non-emergent, reach out to the National Alliance on Mental Illness https://www.nami.org/help. The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., ET.
1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org
You can also text NAMI at Text NAMI to 741-741. Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message.
Resources for Fathers
- Find suggestions for new fathers here. Published by the Mayo Clinic.
- Article that looks at dad burnout.
- A neat look into what dads want you to know about fatherhood.
- A research article that looks at Sad Dad Syndrome. Published by Psychiatry MMC.

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|
I am not a doctor of mental health, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a counselor. I am a wife, mother of 3 children, and an entrepreneur who has numerous life experiences that I utilize to create blog posts, as well as personal research that I perform. Thank you for reading this post and share with others you know will benefit from this information! Definitely forward this to fathers who can share this post as well. I don’t focus on fatherhood often, but it is important that fathers are know that they are supported as well.
Comment below about a memory of your father or your spouse that you immediately thought of when you read this list.
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