Children and family
How to Plan and Pack for the Best Family Vacation

How to Plan and Pack for the Best Family Vacation

Vacation is an event that many people strive to be able to do with their family. People work towards having a family vacation. There are many factors that may prevent you from experiencing your ultimate vacation, but that should not stop you from traveling all together. Even if you can just get away for a short time period and go somewhere 2 hours from your home, GO! A change in scenery has positive effects on you and your mental state. It is also wonderful for family bonding. Being able to plan and pack for your family vacation will help decrease your stress about travel and help you have more enjoyment!

What should vacation do for you?

Vacation should provide you with relaxation

Vacation should allow you to rest and relax. You may have to do some work sometimes when you are traveling; however the optimal trip allows you to completely get away from your work responsibilities and focus on your vacation. This allows you time to connect with your family, as well as allow you time to unplug from work.

Vacation should create new experiences

Travel can open up a new world for your family. Every trip may not always be a new place for everyone. But it is great to go somewhere new once a year. This allows you to make new memories and experience something together for the first time. What great memories for your crew when they can talk about the time you went to a certain place!

We recently went to a cavern. Many feet under the earth. None of us had experienced a cavern before. It was truly beautiful and an experience we will all remember.

Vacation should allow for family time 

Sometimes our everyday life gets full of responsibilities, events, and activities that each person has to participate in. We all have our own responsibilities. Vacation allows for focused family time without the interruption of life’s deadlines. There are great benefits for all family members as a result of family time. Find out about those benefits in this past post.

What does vacation sometimes cause?

Vacation can cause stress and anxiety

Going somewhere new and different can be a challenge for anyone. Add in family members and packing and transportation and money. This can be the right components for creating or increasing stress and anxiety.

Planning different aspects of your trip in adequate time can help reduce your anxiety and stress. Gaining control of the situation allows you to feel in charge and less like events are out of your hands.

Vacation can cause disagreements

Where will you go? How long will you stay? What will you do while you are there?

For as many family members as you have, this is as many responses to the questions you could get. This creates little agreement. Vacation should be relaxing and refreshing. With disagreements, it becomes something you may avoid.

Having regular family meetings to address various aspects of your family’s interaction is helpful with all events. Scheduling family vacations should become a part of these meetings. You can even use your travel as part of your family goals and vision board planning.

Vacation can cause financial challenges

Depending on your financial status before the vacation, the actual vacation can strain these finances. Finances can also restrict where you are able to go as well as what you are able to do while you travel. 

Creating a family budget is never a bad thing. It forces you to look at your present status and determine what steps need to be taken to change it. Adding in a line item for travel is needed if you are going to make family vacations part of your family plan.

Plan your ultimate family vacation

Each time you plan a vacation, you will get better and better. Here are some tips that I go by to help me optimize my family travel and decrease my stress when it comes to traveling.

  1. Go somewhere new– The best memories are made in a new place! It doesn’t have to be far from where you are now. Check out local resources to see where you can drive to that is close and pack your family up in the car! When everyone is experiencing something for the first time, it becomes that much more special.
  1. Plan 3 activities– Before you leave, check out the area and see what is there. Pick out a few activities that you can preplan on certain days. This can take the stress out of trying to decide what you are going to do the day of and take the guess work out of it.

Yes, I do sometimes put RELAX on the schedule. Because we all need that reminder sometimes.

  1. Monitor weather– Apps are so great these days to keep us posted on how the weather will be. Use your favorite whether app to help with clothes to take as well as what activities will be best on what days. I always have a rainy day plan because you just never know.
  1. Packing list- Create a packing list or USE MINE.

Use a written list to help you know what you need to actually put in that suitcase before you go and cross it off once it makes it in there. I also like to keep a small notebook with me on the days leading up to the trip so I can jot down anything that comes to mind that I need to get into the suitcase, pick up from the store, or complete before I leave.

I also use this notebook to plan out outfits with at least an additional 2 outfits depending on where we are traveling and which family member it is.

  1. Be flexible– Remember that plans are to be used as a guide. However plans can change. Allow for that. Don’t be so rigid that you don’t allow for a natural flow of the vacation to happen.

Let yourself have fun and enjoy!

Let me know where you plan to travel in the upcoming months.  How did you chose your destination?

Tell me about place you recently traveled that you recommend for other families to go.

What has been your favorite family trip? Leave a comment below.

Here I am in the cavern!

I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. Make sure to share this post and this blog. That is how more of us will be able to find our flourish!

Be you, be well, be focused! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

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12 thoughts on “How to Plan and Pack for the Best Family Vacation

    • Author gravatar

      It really helped when you talked about planning a family vacation and how to succeed at it! Recently, my wife and I decided we’d like to go on a vacation trip! We want to start planning our itinerary, so we’ll be sure to read and follow your tips! Thanks for the advice on family vacations and how to choose what to do during our trip!

      • Author gravatar

        Eli- I am so glad you found something in this post to help you and your family on your trip. I hope you enjoy yourself and are able to use the tips to magnify the fun you all have when you travel. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      Love the reminder to make a family budget in preparation for vacation! It really does help avoid overspending and any confusion about how much is there to spend on each part. I also really like your packing list. I’m always forgetting things and this list will help.

      • Author gravatar

        Jana, A budget gets left out of a lot of our lives in many areas but it is so important. Making expectations known before traveling eases stress and maximizes fun! Thank you for reading this post. I am glad you found it helpful to you. Have exciting and safe travels! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      Love this packing list! We will be traveling with kids soon and this was super helpful!

      • Author gravatar

        Kaitlyn, Thank you for taking the time to check out this post. Enjoy your trip and hopefully the list will help you plan before you go. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      My family and I are planning to travel to Miami, FL this summer. We love taking my 6 y.o daughter new places! Love the list! It definitely comes in handy.

      • Author gravatar

        Alicia, Miami sounds awesome. I went there many years ago and would like to return. I hope you are able to utilize the list to help you with your packing. Have a great time! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      I always loved our family trips as a kid, and we still take family trips as adults too! This is a great guide with plenty of wonderful tips for planning and packing for the perfect family trip!

      • Author gravatar

        Paige, Thank you for taking the time to read the post. I am glad you were able to find some benefit to the post for your own life. Happy and safe travels! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      A yes to all. very informative. thanks for sharing.

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