Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Prompt #1: November 1, 2021
I am an introvert.

I am an only child. My experiences growing up have shaped my adult life. I have always been comfortable being who I am. Just being me. I believe this is a result of being raised by my parents. They had no other children to interact with. I received all guidance, all punishments, and all the love.
Because of this, I spent some time alone growing up. I would read, play games, watch television. Alone. Yes, we had family time but I also had time by myself.
I was content with this alone time and have grown to cherish this time as an adult. I do not have to interact with people everyday. I am content to stay at home. I am fine without social media. I have been on social media the most ever in my life since starting the blog.
I am good by myself. People who know me best, like my family and close friends, are aware of this. They do not take the fact that I do not always interact as a sign that I do not care. They know it is part of who I am.
Being an introvert does not make me uncaring. I am a wonderful friend and love the time I can spend with those I love. But I don’t have to have constant interaction to maintain a relationship.
Types of introverts
- Social introvert– This person makes being alone a priority and interacts more in smaller social settings versus large gatherings.
- Thinking introvert– This individual can be described as a quiet type that likes to create and develop ideas; very thoughtful.
- Anxious introvert– This individual feels anxiety with social situations so they enjoy task related interactions, like helping set up for an event versus being the focus of the event.
- Restrained introvert– This person is who you think of when you hear the word introvert. Those typical introvert characteristics are held by these individuals. They are shy but open up once they know you.
Introverts can have a blend of the different types or just be one type.
I am a social thinking introvert.
Find out more about introverts here: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-an-introvert
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Let me know in the comments. Be you, be focused, be well. Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|
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I am an introvert and also an only child. I am very comfortable being alone. I had to laugh at: “all punishments” yep no scapegoat around to be found. Did you ever get asked by others especially people who had siblings if you were lonely? I did it with my close friends. We had some good conversations about the pros and cons of being an only child.
Cristina- Being an only child definitely has its own unique experiences. And continues to as I get older. People asked growing up and my children ask me now about being lonely. I was not. I really entertained myself and interacted with my friends at other times. You do miss out on someone to share family experiences with as you grow but I wasn’t lonely. |Shanna|
[…] do with everyone. Last year was very muted which I enjoyed as well. Since I categorize myself as an introvert, I relish in small gatherings even more that larger ones. Sometimes Thanksgiving is filled with […]