Mastering Midlife Pages
How to Discover Your Passion and Develop Your Midlife Business

How to Discover Your Passion and Develop Your Midlife Business

Part of developing any business is deciding on the type and focus of the business. A business becomes the extension of its founder. Midlife is the opportune time to develop a business based on your own passion. You have lived the first half of your life gaining financial security, which hopefully you have been able to establish to a certain extent. Now, you can look into starting a business based on what you enjoy.

What could you do for free and not tire of doing? What have you enjoyed doing since you were little? What do people come to you seeking answers about? What would you be excited to do each day? What problem have you always wanted to solve if you had the time? Answering these questions can lead you to identifying your passion. And then you have to determine if this passion can generate income for you.

Business development is a complex process. But the start of the process when you base it on your passion is identifying what exactly your passion is. At the point of your journey, midlife is the time that you are able to pivot towards activities that you enjoy. Activities that actually fill your cup. Activities that you may have been putting off because of your other responsibilities.

Next, the step is where you have to evaluate if your passion can go beyond just being strictly a passion project or a hobby for your enjoyment into an idea that can actually be used to generate income for you and your family. It may not start out to be a huge amount in the beginning as there are always start up costs, but you have to investigate the market and see if people are interesed in the business you would like to create. Don’t compare yourself to other individuals who are already in your area and be discouraged. Just see what is out there and know that there is room for you if you create a business with excellence and service at the center of it.

I started one of our family businesses at a point in my life prior to midlife, but this business has continued into my midlife journey. This business was based on my educational training and focused on what I want to become when I grew up. Now, I have also decided also create other streams of income that are focused on activities that I enjoy and want to help others develop in certain areas. Is now the time for you to begin your own business journey?

Continue to read along about midlife and your business journey.

Thank you for checking out this blog post. I am having fun sharing my journey as a mompreneur and steps that I used to create a business that is able to thrive.

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish!


2 thoughts on “How to Discover Your Passion and Develop Your Midlife Business

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for such great information. I especially liked the paragraph with the questions about what our passion is and how we may be able to generate income from that.

      • Author gravatar

        Shantryce- Thank you so much for taking your time to read this post and make a comment. I am hopeful that you will be inspired to use your passion to create and support a business that you enjoy and that generates income for you. Continue to follow along. More mompreneur info to be shared. |Shanna|

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