How To Find the Right Mentor at the Right Time
Here at Find Your Flourish! we are successful in all areas of our lives, yet we all desire more. Locating the right mentor at the right time in your life will help you accomplish even more than you can even imagine!
To get to that next level we desire, we need support from others who are successful, who are where we want to be, and who have already solved the questions we need answers to.
Mentor: a trusted counselor or guide

Steps to finding the right mentor
- Look around and evaluate your contacts, as well as your contacts’ contacts
- Find someone you can trust and be completely honest with
- Find someone who knows more than you
- Make sure the person is available for regular discussions
- Try out some of their advice and see what results you get
- Assure that they are in a level you are striving to reach
- Be ready to receive constructive criticism
- Make sure your beliefs line up with their beliefs
- Make sure they have a mentor
You are seeking a mentor in an area that the people around you may not be familiar with. This requires some work from you. Sometimes the people we know can support us but they can not help us get to our next level. This does not make them bad people. That just means you may need to find out who they know. Talking with someone you know today could be the answer you have been searching for. They may know the person you need to be your mentor.
Are you familiar with six degrees of separation? That means we are all connected to each other by six or fewer social contacts. I believe in this age of technology, the number six can be decreased. That means you are six people away from that mentor who can get you to where you want to be. You can find an article about six degrees of separation here.
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A great place to locate a mentor is your professional organizations. These are filled with people who usually care about your profession and service back to the profession. They also are usually people who continue to better themselves through education development and use current evidence based techniques for your profession.
Mentors need mentors! Just because someone arrives at a level does not mean they should stop there. So make sure your mentor has someone who is helping them as well.
When should you seek a mentor
NOW is the right time to have a mentor
It is up to you to put in the work to locate that mentor. You can do it!
The change that you make today will definitely put you in a new place in one year. I am encouraging you that you have nothing to loose by taking a step today to find the right mentor for you.
Want more information on why you need a mentor? Check out the post here on the reasons you do need a mentor in your life!
Remember to be you, be focused, be well!
Find Your Flourish!
Comment below to discuss how a mentor has helped you in the past. What steps would you add to this list?
I have needed a mentor for a long time, but I did not know how to go about finding one, so this post is much appreciated! These are great tips, and I love your advice about making sure they have the same beliefs. As a Christian, this is important. Any advice about what to do when the people are so competitive they don’t want to become a mentor?
Robyn, Depending on what area you are in, people can be ultra competitive; however you have to find those individuals who are ready to give back. I am in the healthcare setting as a profession and I do see people who are competitive everyday. Usually individuals who are ready to share knowledge and encourage others are much further along in their careers. Look for individuals who are beyond the beginning or middle stages of something. Those seasoned individuals are ready to share with the next generation what they know so someone great can come behind them! It may take a little work from you on the front end, but I know you can succeed in locating a fit for you.|Shanna|
Can this process be used with finding a business coach?
Phylicia, I definitely know that this process can be used to find a business coach. These are characteristics for a mentor for any area in your life. In the business world, I would also add that the individual has been in your particular field for years so they have significant experience that you will be able to learn from. Thank you for the question! If you are in search of a business coach, I hope that this post helped you with that. |Shanna|