Personal and Professional Development
The Top 7 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor

The Top 7 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor

To excel in any area in life, you need a mentor. There are 7 top reasons why you should have a mentor in your life. It doesn’t matter what stage in life you are presently in. You should have a mentor at this time. You need a mentor at this time. Mentor simply means a trusted counselor or guide. 

You need a mentor.

You need a mentor.

You need a mentor.

You need a mentor.

Benefits to having a mentor

To help prevent mistakes-

This benefit relates directly to having someone who is a few steps ahead of you in whatever area they are mentoring you in. They have made some mistakes, but been able to move past those pitfalls. How did they do it? Are you about to do something that held them back from reaching their goals in the past? A mentor will help you get prevent mistakes that will cost you time and slow you down from reaching your goals.

To learn from someone who is successful-

Your mentor is a success. They are in a place you want to be. They are a model for you to follow. Learn from them. Find out what their path to success was and how you can duplicate it where you are now. Allow them to assist you in planning what your next steps will be.

To have a sounding board- 

What is the best direction for you to go? How should you speak to someone you disagree with? How do you ask for a raise or more recognition at work? You can take some of your thoughts and ways you plan to approach things to your mentor for guidance. The best mentors allow you to have your own thoughts and then provide you with a different view of the situation so you can look at your life from various angles.

To have support when times get hard-

Everything will not be easy everyday. There will be some challenges as you press towards your goals. You can lean on your mentor when a difficult situation occurs. Sometimes you can encourage yourself when there is an obstacle. A lot of times, it is great to have someone else to encourage you as well. 

To prevent yourself from quitting-

You will want to quit. But in quitting, your chance at success is over. You mentor can provide encouragement event when you are at the end of what you believe you can bear. You can do the hard things. Sometimes you just need a reminder of that.

To challenge yourself to be better-

You have been at that point where you believe you have arrived. You have reached another level and life is good. But you can’t stop there. You have to keep striving to go higher. Your mentor will do this. They will push you to reach goals, but once you reach them- they will push you to set new ones.

To have someone to hold you accountable-

Did you say that you would do this in one month? Were you all set for this may sales? It is easy for us to change the mark we are striving for without consequence. Your mentor will not allow for that. You will have to maintain those goals and keep revising the steps to meet them.

Challenges to having a mentor

Having a mentor creates several positive outcomes in your life. Challenges also exist to having a mentor. These challenges relate directly to your own personal interaction with yourself and your mentor. Having a mentor forces you to remain honest,  be vulnerable, and be willing to communicate.

Being honest is not something you always want to do with yourself. You have to let yourself know when something you planned to work out has not gone according to plan. It is easy for us to get by with others and gloss over mistakes that have been made, but internally that is impossible. You have to be honest. In order to get the maximal return from having a mentoring relationship, you have to be honest with your mentor as well.

Being vulnerable is difficult for everyone. This characteristic forces us to have to admit we do not have all the answers and have to seek someone else out for additional support. Successful people do this all the time. Check out this information about habits of successful people; one of which is spending time with others who inspire them. If there is an area they are unfamiliar with, they ask for assistance. Don’t let your progress to the next level be limited due to your inability to admit you need help.

Being willing to communicate is a characteristic that is developed over time and with practice. Communicating is performed in the area of expressing your thoughts to another person and it is also active listening to be able to synthesize what they are expressing to you. In the mentor relationship, you have to be able to communicate constantly even when it is difficult. That is where growth occurs. In those difficult conversations.

If you are interested in reading more about your mindset affects your present and future realities, check out this previous blog post where I ask you some personal questions to help you think about ways to shape where you want to go in life.

Please comment below on how a mentor has helped you. Did this post motivate you to now search out that mentor for your life?

Remember to be you, be focused, be well!

Find Your Flourish!


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