New Quarter; Find out what’s new

Mastering Midlife I have been blogging since 2021. That is short in the writing world but lengthy in the world of being a professional, a wife, and a mother. The amount of consistency and engagement that this whole area of blogging requires is huge. Sometimes, I am not completely with it so those are when breaks are had or more […]

The Lies We Tell (ourselves)

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. As individuals, we speak to ourselves in our own mind many times long before anyone else can stop us from achieving greatness. We use our own negative thoughts as dream killers to what we want to accomplish. Why do we […]

Part of My Journey from Space

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife. This is a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. How do you get beyond yourself today, leave fear behind, and live out your childhood dreams? In the 4th grade, I wrote about the requirements and expectations that were necessary to become an astronaut. That is the career path I […]

How To Become More Productive Everyday

Find Your Flourish! was initially established to assist you in creating desired outcomes for your life in every area to include at home and in your professional career. This has continued to be a main focus for the blog as I have always been intrigued by the area of productivity. Fortune 500 companies are able to achieve a certain level […]

How To Do More With Less Effort

Laborit’s Law Also known as the Law of Least Effort Laborit’s Law is the principle that states people prefer to complete easy tasks first to gain immediate gratification, while delaying more difficult tasks. This delay results in levels of procrastination. Laborit’s Law is also known as the Law of Least Effort. Additional productivity and personal development laws Looking at the […]

How to Create Your Future using a Vision Board

Do not limit yourself. Allow yourself to dream. Introduction to a vision board A vision board is an ideal way to use your creativity while supporting your goal development. It becomes a visual representation of your goals. Visualizing is an important practice used by many successful individuals in all areas of life. When you visualize well enough, your body and cognitive […]