Blogtober 2021
The Best Way to Use Planning as Memory Keeping

The Best Way to Use Planning as Memory Keeping

Memory keeping speaks to most moms in whatever stage of parenting they are in. It is our love language. We want to remember everything.  Even when things are rough, bad, tough, negative, taxing- we get through those situations so looking back definitely helps you celebrate those wins! There are a variety of ways that memories can be preserved. Most people have their favorite ways and ways that they feel work best for their life.

Cell phone pictures for memory keeping

You keep your phone with you during most of your waking moments. If it is not on your person, it is close by. Never too far out of reach- always ready to capture a picture if needed. That is why phones are so great for memory keeping. To an extent.  You can use them to take photos or record what is going on with you. You can also use it to broadcast a live video on your favorite social media platform. Memories pop up on your feed daily. These are great to take your thoughts back to something that happened in the past that brought you joy. So I encourage you to look at those pictures on your phone. I encourage you to go as far as to print them up, frame some, and put them out for everyone to see.

Journaling for memory keeping

Journaling becomes a wonderful, creative way to memory keep. You don’t have to be a writer to record your thoughts about what is going on in your life. You don’t have to get everything correct or be eloquent. You just need to write things down and record what is happening. I enjoy looking back at my journals of the past. Details are needed to create those same feelings about situations. Sometimes this drives us to want to return to the same result or go in the completely opposite direction. I focused on journaling in a post found here.

Check out this resource for some journal prompts for moms that can get you started on using journaling as memory keeping.

Planning for memory keeping

Planning for memory keeping can combine the best of the other memory keeping strategies in an easy and concise way, especially if you are someone who uses a planner on the regular.

I have been able to use planning to keep track of everything. I have also been able to use it as a memory keeper. Sometimes I just use words to document what has happened on a certain day and my feelings towards it. Other days I have used pictures in my planner to document those memories. I like using a planner because the dates are there. Your usual tasks are contained in your planner along with those fun events that make you smile. Some of my favorite reflection time is spent looking back at an old planner from a previous year. It helps me see where I spent a lot of my time. It helps me to determine if I need to change what I am presently doing in order to make gains in the future. What I enjoy about using my planner for memory keeping is that it has my practical entries like work hours along with fun events like family outings.

Ideas on how to use your planner in memory keeping

  • Schedule your regular events and appointments
  • Document your feelings for each day
  • Create a gratitude entry on each day
  • Take pictures, print them up, and put them in your planner on the appropriate date
  • Create a monthly theme and document your month based on this theme
  • Write down your goals- evaluate your process at a certain benchmark
  • Follow a writing prompt for a set time period

Glimpse into my memory keeping frustration

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with my cell phone (Samsung Galaxy) as I am using a lot of memory to take pictures and edit things. This is using my phone’s memory and I sometimes get a message that I am unable to perform a function because the phone is out of memory! Have you experienced this? My dream application would be one that automatically saved pictures I took with my phone while still allowing me to see them on my phone. Does anyone know anything like that? I have tried Google Drive, OneNote. Let me know if you have had any success with dealing with a challenge like this. I would be beyond grateful!

How have you chosen to memory keep? Do you spend a lot of time doing this or do you focus mainly on major life events? What is your process? Please share in the comments. You can inspire someone else to start memory keeping.

I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of motherhood that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!

I am also in the process of choosing my planner for 2022. I am narrowing things down and believe I have my selection. I will share this as we get closer to the new year with the reasons why I picked the planner that I did.

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

Have fun flourishing and follow Find Your Flourish! on your favorite social network:

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