What is Your Word of the Year?
Every year I decide on a word to focus on for my theme of that year. I this word to center my goals and then I create visuals of the word in various places that I can see on a daily basis. There is much to be said about vision boards, manifestation techniques, prayer, meditation. Using a word of the year fits into these categories. Having a word of the year can allow you a greater level of focus than you have experienced before.

I choose a word of the year to create focus for myself. When I feel like I am experiencing challenges or wanting to change course, I look back on my word of the year to determine how to persevere. It also reminds me why I want to continue to push through difficult times in the first place. My word provides me with not just a focus, but also provides me with answers for why I should continue to set goals and plan for my future.

My word of the year for 2021 was THRIVE: to grow vigorously; to gain in wealth or possessions; to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances. I have worked hard in all the areas of my life with this word in mind. I wanted to thrive in every area. My personal and professional goals were established with this word in mind.
My word of the year for 2022 is FORWARD: situated in advance; strongly inclined; ready; notably advanced or developed; of, relating to, or getting ready for the future. Building on the advances I have made in areas, I want to move forward in the areas of my life. I want to get to another level and continue to make changes for the better.
I usually decide on my word based on the various areas of my life and upcoming goals. In 2021, I wanted to thrive in all areas. Now headed into 2022, I want to move forward in the areas of my life. I want to focus on continuing to make gains.
A few things you can think about when deciding on your word of the year:
- What are your goals for the year?
- What do you want to focus on in during the year?
- What would you like more of in your life?
- What are you thankful for in your life?
- Is there something that you want to change in your life?
- What can you improve on?
Using a brain dump can also help you organize your thoughts and assist you in the decision making process.
Do you have a word of the year? Please share your word and let me know why you chose the word.
Here are a few resources to explain why you should choose a word of the year and inspire you on which word to choose:
[…] Choosing Your Word of the Year […]
[…] Using a word of the year is one way to reinforce your intention for the year. Look into my process of choosing a word of the year right here. […]
Great post! A theme of the year is a relatively new concept for me but so helpful to discipline my scatter brain 😅 I chose “relentless output” this year to force myself out of just exploring ideas. Working on next year. It’s gonna be on the lines of application (as in both applying myself and applying what I know)
Rudiano- Thank you very much for reading and commenting. I hope you have been successful in your relentless output for this year. Changing your focus to application for next year should be great. I do believe that we gain a lot of information as we move through life, but then what do we do with it? |Shanna|
Very cool! I think my word for 2021 was ‘change’ because everything changed this year. My word for 2022 is ‘experience’ because I want to experience more things.
Michelle- Experience is a great word to focus on in 2022. How exciting to see what you will experience in the areas of your life. Thank you for reading. |Shanna|
I love this concept! It’s so important to have a focus point!
Cassie- Thank you for reading this post. I hope that you pick out a word of the year for yourself that you can use for focus throughout the year. |Shanna|
Very interesting and inspiring.
May my word of the year be re-start.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting on this post. Have fun picking out and deciding on your word of the year! |Shanna|
I find that I have a number of words that keep making themselves known or recur throughout my day/life. I am trying to make sure I pay attention to what they are and what I can learn from them. Having a word of the year is a really interesting idea; I will have to give it some thought. Thanks for this!
Molly- Thank you for reading and commenting. Do consider using a word of the year as I have found that they are helpful with focus and goal writing. It is neat to see how they shape interactions as the year progresses. |Shanna|
Great post. I love the idea of a word to tie all your goals together. It’s something to focus on. I’m definitely doing a brain dump to come up with a 2022 word.
I am excited to hear what word you choose for 2022. Using a single word for focus throughout the year is helpful and definitely has its benefits. Thank you for checking out this post and being open to a new idea! |Shanna|
I’ve never thought of choosing a word of the year before! What an interesting idea! thanks for sharing this.
Katie- Thank you for checking out this post and being open to a new idea. A word of the year is very helpful to me. I have been doing it for several years now. |Shanna|