How To Become More Productive Everyday
Find Your Flourish! was initially established to assist you in creating desired outcomes for your life in every area to include at home and in your professional career. This has continued to be a main focus for the blog as I have always been intrigued by the area of productivity. Fortune 500 companies are able to achieve a certain level of success because they utilize productivity laws throughout their organization. They have individuals that study these laws and then they apply their usage in the company to improve performance.
The same business laws used in these companies can be used in your own home setting. Success can be achieved by taking basic, consistent steps. In the past, I have highlighted a few different productivity laws. This post will contain some of those laws with links to the original posts. Utilizing these laws on a daily basis can result in a definite increase in the level of your personal productivity each day.
Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson’s Law Defined
Parkinson’s Law is defined as the process by which work will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion.
How to use Parkinson’s Law
- Set realistic timelines- Know how much time you spent to complete tasks in the past and use this knowledge to allow yourself to take the appropriate amount of time on a present task. Don’t allow too little time or too much time.
- Use a priority list- Use this type of list versus a to-do list in order to focus on top tasks.
- Perform routine tasks at a set time – This helps you to get certain tasks out of the way, so you can focus on more core complex ones.
Law of Triviality
Law of Triviality Defined
The Law of Triviality relates directly to how individuals create a plan of action to take, but then become extremely distracted with the smaller parts of their plan.
How to use the Law of Triviality
- Use a brain dump- Allows you to clear your mind of everything, so you can focus or determine what should be focused on.
- Make a plan- Decide what you are going to do and then stick to the steps you decided to make.
- Focus on your priorities- Once you decide on your priorities, make sure that you are consistent in making steps to complete them.
Laborit’s Law
Laborit’s Law Defined
Laborit’s Law is the principle that states people prefer to complete easy tasks first to gain immediate gratification, while delaying more difficult tasks.
How to Overcome Laborit’s Law
- Perform short tasks together in a time block- Schedule blocking allows you to complete like tasks together and focus your attention on completing something.
- Create a priority list daily- Bring your focus and attention to certain tasks everyday instead of having a long list of tasks that seem like they are never ending.
- Set realistic deadlines- Allow yourself the correct amount time to complete tasks.
Carlson’s Law
Carlson’s Law Defined
Carlson’s Law states that interrupted work will take longer and be less effective than if the same task was completed in a continuous manner without any breaks.
How to use Carlson’s Law to Your Advantage
- Do not multi-task- Focus on one thing at a time.
- Perform like tasks together in time blocks- Similar tasks utilize similar parts of your brain.
- Limit interruptions like phone alerts when focusing on a task- These can slow your progress down because it creates divided attention.
In reviewing all of these laws, there are common themes that can be implemented easily in order to assist you in maximizing your productivity.
Common Themes Between Laws of Productivity
- Creating daily priority lists
- Performing tasks using a time blocking system
- Setting realistic timelines to complete tasks
Which of these laws can you identify with? How do you think that law can assist you in becoming more productive?
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I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help you excel in both areas without compromising in either area. I use systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!
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