How to get to your next level

Flourish Friday
How to get to your next level!
Looking back 5 years.
Five years ago, I had two children ages 6 and 3. My third child was not even born yet.
I was trying, and I do say trying, to make everything work. And I mean everything. My job. My marriage. My children.
Have you ever wanted to get to the end of a story before you read the middle? Like the beginning was great and it pulled you in, then the middle was tough. And you thought that these characters have to get back to that beginning place where it was wonderful….let’s get to the end of this book!
That’s where I was. I was still trying to get my footing as a mother of 2. Going from one to two was a challenge for me. I wanted to keep myself at the front of everything. I felt like I kept getting lost. Like where was I in the equation?
Plus, I had a husband who in the beginning I felt like he understood everything about me. You know, the honeymoon stage. Heart eyes. Smiles. Memories. Then we both had other roles in our professions and with our little people. He was their father and I was their mother. How children can change your whole outlook on everything.

Mother- such a weighty word. Could I make it all their years as their mother and his wife and be myself and not get lost?
If I could answer myself now, I would scream YES! Snap out of it. You get through it and actually don’t do a terrible job at it. And add another child to the mix…so now there are 3! However at that point, I had no way to see in the future.
In the moment, in that year, it seemed like our business life wasn’t where we wanted it to be and we were struggling to make our home life better. It seemed like getting through it would take everything I had and then some. Like I had to be superhuman to superwoman or someone else all together. Someone besides myself.
That was not the answer. Feelings of being inadequate and not meeting the standard always haunt me like that dream that you want to know the ending of but you jolt awake because of your alarm. Then the dream doesn’t come back. Most of the time, I can used those feelings to my advantage. Like becoming a professional, running a company, excelling in my practice. But other times, those feelings are left unanswered. What to do then?
Look back 5 years.
You are not that same person from 5 years before. You are not. There is no way you are. I am not. I have so many lived experiences since then. I have so many life lessons. The key is to determine how to use these lessons in your present day. Looking back while remaining present will propel you to your next level.
Looking back 5 years effectively, requires introspection and honesty.
Can you be honest with yourself?
Where do you see personal issues you have had with yourself and others? How can you improve in these areas?
What goals did you have? Have they been met? How did you accomplish them?
Has your focused shifted completely from previous goals?
What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years? What are the steps you need to take to get there?
Answer these questions on paper. Don’t just think about it. Writing down what you want to accomplish forces you to hold yourself accountable for your future.
You have to do the hard work to get the results you want. Be honest. These questions should assist in identifying where you need some more personal development and where you have made gains.
Share some of your goals with your friends. Or even share them here! Everyone can use some support to get to their next level.

Here are a few of my goals for the next 5 years:
- Be the author of several books. (self)
- Impact my profession with a level of mentorship participation. (professional)
- Enjoy a Disney Cruise with my family. (family)
Remember to:
Be you, be focused, and be well;
Find Your Flourish!
[…] yourself with your children and husband around, how to involve family in weekly planning, how to support everyone while still supporting yourself. It can be […]