Blogtober 2022
Mastering Midlife

Mastering Midlife

Find Your Flourish: Mastering Midlife- a true view into the daily routine of a 40-something year old woman. 

I went back and forth on calling these entries Muddling through Midlife or Mastering Midlife. I decided on mastering midlife because muddling through midlife seems somewhat depressing. Like midlife is such a hard time. Even though some days are truly muddling. Other days are a breeze.

Is your life that way sometimes? You move through your daily routine and you feel like you have everything under control. Your thoughts are focused. You feel like nothing can stop you and you are ready for everything that can happen. Everything is in balance. There is homeostasis.

Then, something does happen that throws you off. Completely. And you feel like everything is out of balance. It seems like nothing is not going to return to optimal balance. This becomes life. The ups and downs make memories. I went with Mastering Midlife because it sounds much stronger that Muddling through Midlife. I want to appear strong even if it is elusive some days. Some days you can find me trying to regain my footing as I lead my family through our daily routine.

(Interrupted from writing because my toddler called out from the bathroom, “Mommy, come wipe my me.”)

I want to succeed at this stage in my life. I want to master this time labeled as midlife. I have experienced many possible setbacks in the past but I kept pushing forward.

I have realized it is labeled midlife because basically that is where you are at this point; midlife. In the middle. I am half-way through. At this point, I do a lot of reflection on days that have passed. Like where would I have been with this decision or that decision. Why did I not do this? Why did I do that? When you are young, there is nothing that people can tell you to force you to relish the stage you are in. When you realize you should be relishing, it is too late and you are knee deep in adult responsibilities. All the early struggles of adulthood should have been relished as well but those struggles were so difficult. 

(Interrupted by my teenager asking me to beat box.)

Decisions become like a pebble thrown into a pond. At the center, it seems like the pebble drops down to the floor of the pond and the event is isolated right there in that area; however the effects from the pebble travel throughout the whole pond for a significant amount of time after the pebble stops traveling. That is the same way our decisions impact our lives and those around us. I have tried to become more strategic about the decisions I make now since I have a family that is impacted by the outcomes of what I decide. I am constantly making an attempt at mastering midlife.

I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help you excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of life that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!

Come back often this month to keep up with Blogtober and see what else I will be posting about. It is going to be a fun month!

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