New Quarter; Find out what’s new
Mastering Midlife
I have been blogging since 2021. That is short in the writing world but lengthy in the world of being a professional, a wife, and a mother. The amount of consistency and engagement that this whole area of blogging requires is huge. Sometimes, I am not completely with it so those are when breaks are had or more social media posts are done with less blog posting. But I do seem to return to the blog. So I am back for another quarter with huge plans for Find Your Flourish.

I have changed since starting blogging. I have matured more in all areas of my life. My writing style has changed. What I write about has evolved. When I started out, I had many plans of what this blog was going to do. And the intentions I had for it.
Those intentions have changed as well. This is not a negative thing as growth has to happen in our lives so we can become the best version of ourselves. Each day I strive to become even better than who I was yesterday. I try to be a better wife, mother, friend, and person in general. I have decided that living is true about being present and enjoying where we are in the present moment while continuing to plan for what could happen in the future. Greater reflection and wisdom develop with age.
I still have the desire to blog and write, investigate my interests, share about things in my life that have helped me in my journey. I also have other dreams that have developed as the years have passed. I really want to make sure that I am creating a space where individuals can gain support to allow themselves to become who they really want to be in life while still being able to incorporate other areas of their life into what they are doing. I have started to realize how quickly time really passes. I have started to turn into my own mother as time continues to pass. Like some of the things I find myself saying to my children or asking them about relates directly back to my mother. Directly. I don’t know when I got here but I have arrived.
There can be such a strong correlation between generations. It is there like a thread knitting us all together.
So now moving into this next stage blogging, I have many ideas of how to continue on. I am excited about them all. I want to make them all a reality. I have to keep focused on the smaller steps and remain consistent.
I am reflecting on a quote from Mark Twain this year that I am using as encouragement.
Focus more on your desire than on your doubt and the dream will take care of itself.
Mark Twain
I doubt myself many days even when I have a plan of priorities I want to accomplish. I think about all the reasons that I am not the optimal person to be where I am; why someone else would be a better fit. I have many thoughts that sometimes stop me in my tracks and I think that maybe I should just live my daily routine as just that: a routine. Let’s not add in any challenges or attempt to make any changes. But then I think that life has to be lived. Life can be so full if you make it. I think about that and then press forward.
Sometimes days are tough. It seems like events are not lining up the way that would be the best for me. But I can not let that stop me. I want to be that role model for my children. I want them to be able to look at me and know that they can do what they want.

What is next for Find Your Flourish
A blog tag
This is where a blogger writes on a predetermined topic that another blogger has created. The tag I have chosen will provide an even greater insight into me as a person; into things that I enjoy.
Spotlight on relationships
I seem to focus a lot on family events and personal development. I am going to spotlight the marriage relationship soon. Even if you are not married, I think the information will be beneficial because characteristics of all relationships are similar.
Q & A
I am going to solicit some questions from readers and followers on social media. I plan to take time to answer them in my newsletter. In order to be able to read those answers, you should sign up for Find Your Flourish’s newsletter. Use the link to subscribe to my email list. Those on my email list will receive my newsletter. I can’t wait for you to follow along with the Q & A as well as he other information that will be in the newsletter.
More productivity content
I still enjoy finding ways to become more productive. I am currently researching Fraisse’s Law which looks at the perception of time not the actual time passing. There will be a blog post on Fraisse’s Law.
More planner content
I love planning so there will be more of that.
Other things
I do let life bring me to some topics, so there will be more mastering midlife posts.
Do you have a quote or an affirmation that you use daily to support what you are striving for in your life?
Is there anything that you would be interested in having featured on the blog? Please let me know.
I am passionate about optimal work life balance and can help you excel in both areas without compromise. I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our flourishing journey. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!