Share Your Morning Routine
Prompt #2: November 2, 2021
Good morning!

The beginning of something sets the tone for the rest of that thing. This is true for your morning routine and its involvement in the rest of your day. I am truly into productivity, planning, and prepping so mornings are definitely a time that I hold sacred.
I am all about planning my month, week, day and having established priorities to accomplish for each day. I do not utilize a To-do List. I prefer a Priority List much more. Read here to see why I choose priorities over To-dos to make my day more successful.
I control my day with how way I start my day. Most of the time, I am very regimented in what I do because the routine has brought me success. I have done a significant amount of time study for activities in my life, so I know how long certain activities take. This is very helpful in the morning when additional things or unexpected tasks are added. Knowing the time certain tasks take also makes it easy to get things completed in order to move onto tasks that require more thought like homeschooling and work related tasks.
Routines can be beneficial to you once they are established. There is a post on the blog that addresses a routine’s benefits as well.
Benefits of a Routine
- Expectations are set and met
- You become an expert at your tasks
My Morning Routine
Wake up
Ready myself for the day with mental rehearsal of my upcoming priorities
Read scriptures and meditate
Initial bathroom visit
Pet care
Fix toddler’s lunch
Wake toddler and ready her for the day
Assist husband and toddler to car; say Goodbyes
Change into work out clothes
Perform work out
Shower and dress for day
Review schedule and priorities for day
Check on older children and see where they are with their own morning routine
Make first cup of tea
Have breakfast
Do any short duration household chores
Begin homeschooling by 9:00am
Closer look at Morning Routines
Successful people’s morning routines https://www.fastcompany.com/3033652/the-morning-routines-of-the-most-successful-people
Morning Routine Benefits https://www.verywellmind.com/morning-routine-4174576
I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of motherhood that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!
Thank you for reading this post. Let me know what you think about morning routines in the comments below. Do you have one? Has it been beneficial to you? What is part of your routine that you have? Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|
I used to think that having a set plan for the day was squashing creativity, spontaneity and joy out of my life. But the result was that I was not finishing many of the things I started. I now have a a morning and night routine I am tweaking constantly. I leave room for some flexibility but I definitely include working out each morning and a bit of vocal workout or dancing. I like to start the day with some joy 😊
Rudiano- It is great that you have a morning routine and a night routine. And that you change as needed. Sometimes people think that once a routine is in place, it should not be revisited. I believe that changing routines not only keeps them fresh but also allows you space for growth. Starting with morning joy probably sets you on a course for a fulfilling day. |Shanna|
I don’t really have much of a morning routine, but I am trying to implement one to have some sort of structure too. So far, I wake up and let the cat out, make the bed and a cup of tea. Then I let the cat back in and do a bit of cleaning, shower and start writing!
Simona- It sounds like you already have the start of a routine. You just have to evaluate it to see if you are getting the results you need from your day then you can fine tune it. Happy writing! Thank you for reading this post. |Shanna|