Personal and Professional Development
Change Your Routine and Get The Most From Your Day

Change Your Routine and Get The Most From Your Day

Routine-a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.

Routines are used by mothers as a form of survival. We have to deal with individuals with varying levels of emotional control. They may be clingy one day and then want to be independent the next. Mothers hold tight onto what we schedule and structure for our children and spouse, as well as ourselves.

Our routine helps us set expectations. It also helps us accomplish things through organization. Routines definitely provide benefits to how we function in our household and professional settings.  However, constant use of routines is not always the best way to function. This post will look at some of the benefits of a routine, but also some of the restrictions a routine can place on you as well.

Benefits to a routine

Everyone knows what to expect with a routine

Managing expectations is what mothers do daily. We outline for our children what is the next event for the day. We use words to aid them in coloring their responses like ‘this is going to be fun’ or ‘how exciting was that?’ Mothers have to address expectations while still making the outcome a reality. With a routine, this is much easier to do because those involved already know what to expect and what is expected of them. Routines are great when assigning chores in your house or letting family members know what they will be responsible for during the week. 

Having expectations in place for your family when you decide to create that much needed self care time is also great when their is a routine in place. If you perform self care as part of your normal routine, they may even remind you that you need that self care time to be at your best.

Interested in ways to make self care more of a reality in your routine? Check out this post.

You can become an expert at a task

When you are able to perform a skill on a regular basis, you can become an expert. 

There has been some discussion in the scientific community about 10,000 hours of practice make you an expert at performance of a skill. There are, of course, many variables that affect your proficiency at higher level skills. Check out this link for further information on this:

However performing ROUTINE based skills as a mother is not that challenging (laundry, vacuuming, cooking, doing the dishes, etc). What is challenging is all the other requirements that have to be performed along with all the routines (providing advise to your children, managing a budget, assisting your children with their learning, teaching your children manners, etc).

Downfall to routine

Boredom can manifest with routine

You may have experienced this downfall yourself: boredom. The routine part of motherhood becomes so expected that you can get bored of it. Those routine things can make you want to add some sort of change to what you do daily.  

Little outlet for creativity and learning Performing the same actions over and over takes out the decision making part of your brain functioning. You officially become a laundry robot or a dish washing robot. Not much to have to ponder or decide between.

Here are two articles that address the changes in brain health as you vary your routine:

What you do becomes thankless

As you go through your daily routine and tasks, it is easy for your family to expect these things from you. Mom always does___________________________. I have often wondered what would really happen if I did not complete the laundry process or prod them along to complete it. But then I can’t take the backlog anymore so I do it.

I know you are not doing your routine for a thank you. But it is nice to be acknowledged occasionally for the things you do. And not just on Mother’s Day or your birthday.

Easy ways to change your daily routine

Create a schedule with a varied focus each day

You can not escape routines. You may even crave them at times because they do provide comfort. Every Sunday you go grocery shopping so you are ready for the week and are able to get the items needed to provide for your family. 

You can switch up your focus for each day or change it weekly.Some tasks may have to always be performed on certain days, but there are some things that can be switched up from week to week. This helps in addressing boredom from creeping in.

Add in a fun activity

Surprise yourself and your family with a different event some time during the week. This changes your routine just enough to allow you to still complete necessary tasks but adds in some flavor that makes everyone happy.

We usually wash the car each weekend but we may go to a different car wash on a different side of town so we can visit a different park or book store to complete a routine task with a fun reward.

Pick up a new hobby

What have you always been interested in?

Now is your time. Try it today! You would be surprised how easy new skills are available to you right now in the virtual world and at a nominal fee. Use this activity to create moments in your routine that provide an outlet for you.


This is a huge way to change your routine. Now at first, you may just be delegating to your spouse. Because everyone else is so small. 

Once children are toddlers, they can participate in chores around the house. They can start being responsible for cleaning up behind themselves. They can use a hand vacuum. Beginning early chores will help your children know what to expect but it will also help you change your routine as you will eventually be more of a supervisor versus a worker.

My husband has been instrumental in this for me because I am sometimes like they are too young to do that. And he is like let’s try them. There may be some complaining and mild resistance in the beginning but then it becomes part of their routine and they know you expect them to complete it.


Check out this information from Parents Magazine that contains chore suggestions for all ages. It also provides you with a way to create a chore chart for your household. Delegate!

Here is a link that leads to chores that are a good fit for your toddler.

Change is a challenging thing for me. I get anxious when the seasons change or when school is out and then in again, or in and then out again. I know with each season change there are new responsibilities I will be assigned. I have to be ready to change my routine and adapt to something new. 

Are you ready to incorporate change into your life? Check out this article that gives you even more benefits of changing your routine!

Other suggestions to vary your routine:

All of the above are linked to posts that I wrote about on the topic.

I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help you excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of motherhood that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!

Be you, be well, be focused! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

Connect with the blog on Social Media! We have fun over there!

20 thoughts on “Change Your Routine and Get The Most From Your Day

    • […] Interested in how I use a routine in my life to get things done so I can do what I enjoy with those I love? Check out this post. […]

    • […] can be beneficial to you once they are established. There is a post on the blog that addresses a routine’s benefits as […]

    • […] some variability at times. See this post that speaks to the benefits of changing your routine here. But we also never know what to expect, what the next day will bring, what we will be called on to […]

    • Author gravatar

      You know I love your thoughts and ideas. Some of these we do now but I’m eager to get into our new home and really put a routine into action.

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        Amber- Thank you for taking the time to read this post and comment. Putting a new routine in place always creates excitement. Best wishes on starting it! Remember to keep some flexibility for fun. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      OMG, the “thankless” part got me. You’re so right.

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        RaLea- Thank you for reading! I hope you found something that can help you along your flourishing journey. Even though many of our motherhood tasks seem thankless, just know that they are very important and necessary for our home. Stay encouraged! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      This is great! I find that I have to adjust my rhythms and routines every couple of months. Doing so always motivates me to work towards my goals.

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        Emily- Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I love your routine adjustment schedule. I know that proves to be helpful not only in assisting you in accomplishing more, but also in keeping you interested in those tasks. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      What a great post! Nicely written and informative. I know I thrive off of routine. Without it, I feel aimless. But I do agree that it can also feel mundane especially of the small things that don’t require brainwork. So, having hobbies is key and scheduling other activities even for just one day of the week can make such a difference!

      Maureen |

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        Maureen- Thank you for reading and commenting on this post. I hope you found something to help you change your routine up when you need a little change. Continue to flourish! |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      Great info and thanks for the helpful links. I recently began to switch up my Saturday routine of washing clothes. It just seemed to take all day!!! So now I start washing on Friday night so that i can start implementing fun family time on Saturdays since our weekdays are so busy with work and school.

      • Author gravatar

        Shantryce- Thank you for your comment! I am glad you found some information that can assist you in your flourishing journey. Being a professional mother is often a challenge in still getting home tasks completed in between work and then being able to have that family time. Using routines can help optimize what has to happen so you can get to that time for yourself and your family. It is great that you were able to identify a way to gain some more family time by making an adjustment.|Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      These are great suggestions! It’s so easy to get into mundane routines but your ideas are really refreshing. Thanks!

    • Author gravatar

      As a parent to a special needs child, I have had routines all the time as visual charts, picture boards, written our schedule. What I like about your post is you also mention the downfall of routines, I so agree with those.

      No one gives that perspective. Routines are so monotonous but yet essential!

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        Vanessa- I appreciate you commenting. Your experience using routines as a special needs parent I know helps with what you have to do each day. Keeping the downfall of routines to a minimum allows us to continue to flourish as mothers. I believe the key to that is altering the routine every so often so we can remain creative and engaged. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      I love this post routines really do help but sometimes they do get boring. Thank you for sharing ways to help stop this boredom.

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        Natasha- Thank you for your comment. Boredom is definitely something I discuss with many mothers I know. Keeping things new for ourselves can assist us in getting through our routine from day to day. |Shanna|

    • Author gravatar

      I can so relate to what you wrote here. Routine makes homemaking a lot easier—even routines for yourself, your kids, and the whole family. I especially like that you included Boredom in Routine. It happens, and sometimes we don’t have to be rigid in our routines. Thanks for sharing your tips!

      • Author gravatar

        Jordan- Thank you for reading this post and commenting. Mothers have so much to deal with during their routine everyday. I agree that being flexible can help us get through each day and even defeat boredom! I hope something you read will help you on your flourishing journey. |Shanna|

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