Blogtober 2021
How to Get Next Level Confidence

How to Get Next Level Confidence

Self confidence is defined as a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.  Self confidence was addressed on the blog before where it was discussed on an introductory level looking at what shapes it, how to build it, and how to trust yourself. Self confidence has many different levels and can change throughout your life, as well as based on different situations.

Why you need to increase your self confidence

At various points in your life, your self confidence develops and changes. New situations have a way of making us question who we are and what information we are competent in. There are some situations where we feel very competent and confident. These are experiences we seek out and want to participate in on a more regular basis. But in order to increase your confidence, you have to go beyond what you usually participate in. You have to expand from that zone of comfort to the zone of uncomfortable. When you are uncomfortable, you will think differently. Problem solving in different situations forces us learn new skills. This has been the basis of learning since we were young. All learning environments teach children how to solve problems. It does not change when we get older. We just have to problem solve more complex situations. The more proficient you are at problem solving, the more confident you will be. 

Ways to increase your self confidence

Determine a method for problem solving

You have to decide what is the optimal way for you to solve problems. Some people can use a ’T’ chart. Some use a list of pros and cons. Some have a methodical step process. People also blend various approaches. Whatever you decide works best for you, use it when you are faced with a challenge. Focus on the challenge that has been presented. The key for getting through the challenge is facing it. No one has been able to conquer anything by ignoring it or thinking that it will just go away. Successful individuals make difficult decisions. They accept what results occur. Then, they move forward.

Have a supportive crew

Look around and name your closest friends or associates. What are words you would use to describe these individuals? You want to assure that people around you are individuals who are keeping in line with what you have going on in your own life. How do you support each other? Your friends should want to see you succeed as much as they want to succeed for themselves. They should celebrate your successes. But they should also be honest with you. Sometimes you need that extra motivation not to quit on your dream. They should be able to provide you with that. You should also be able to provide this type of support to them as well.

Use positive self talk 

Friends can do a lot for our self confidence, but what we tell ourselves is even more impactful. You truly have the power to lift you own self up to the next level or allow yourself to remain where you are. How much motivation do you have? Focus on what you have accomplished and celebrate your success but also know that you have to keep moving onto the next goal. Being successful is not about achieving only one goal and being done. Being successful is a process that is continual. 

Allow for new experiences

Challenging yourself with new experiences is another way to increase your self confidence. Adaptation of a species occurs when it is placed in different situations. It has to find out ways to survive. Changes in our self confidence occur the same way. We have to try new things on a regular basis. We can become very predictable and very comfortable in a set schedule and the way we always do things. One of the reasons we perform the same process over and over is that we have been successful with this pattern. There is nothing that is unpredictable. Why change our response if we have been successful? We know our response to something, so we keep it the same. Changing the environment encourages you to respond differently. Try something new. Do that thing you have thought about. Learn a new skill or improve a skill that you already know. Increasing your confidence relates directly to improving yourself.

Benefits of increasing your self confidence 

Achieve more

I focus on productivity on Find Your Flourish a lot. The reason I do this is so that you can complete tasks that have to be done more efficiently so you can do the other things that you enjoy. Having a high level of confidence allows you to achieve more.      

Experience more

With a higher level of confidence, you will try new activities and new hobbies. This opens up the world to you for more experiences. You realize that there is more going on than what you can see in you own area. There becomes a desire in you to experience new things that are different from what you are used to.

Can be the mom or person you desire

High self confidence allows you to be yourself in all situations. You do not question your feelings. You live authentically. This allows you to make decisions for yourself and your family without hesitation. You have a vision of how you would like to project yourself into the world. With confidence, this person is a reflection of who you are when people are around and when you are by yourself. You treat all individuals the same and remain consistent no matter what the situation. When you have self confidence, you do not compare yourself to anyone else and you are comfortable with your present self, which decreases your level of stress.

  • Be a role model
  • Live intentionally

My thoughts on self confidence

How do you feel that your self confidence is at this point in your life?

I know that my self confidence has changed significantly as I have aged and experienced different things in my life. Being confident has allowed me to participate in more activities that I would have said ‘no’ to in the past as I don’t restrict myself. I accept that I do have something to contribute. If it is not me, it would be someone else, so I say why not me? And why not you?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope that you found something that will support you along your flourishing journey. Don’t forget to share this post on your social media if it was impactful to you.

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

Resources about self confidence

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