The Best Way to Use Planning as Memory Keeping

Memory keeping speaks to most moms in whatever stage of parenting they are in. It is our love language. We want to remember everything.  Even when things are rough, bad, tough, negative, taxing- we get through those situations so looking back definitely helps you celebrate those wins! There are a variety of ways that memories can be preserved. Most people […]

Decorative or Functional Planner- Which One are You?

Once you decide that you will plan, you will eventually decide what type of planner you are. This may continue to change as you plan more and more. As you become more consistent with planning, how you interact with your planner and what planner you chose to utilize can change. I have switched planners numerous times. I just always try […]

The Best Planner for Motherhood

We all know that mom life is full of everyone’s events and plans. You have your own schedule, your husband’s schedule, and your kids’ schedules. It is events, appointments, schedules, tasks on top of more. And you are expected to keep track of it all. I know you have an excellent memory and don’t ever forget where you should be, […]

How to Plan Your Best Life

Planning can assist you in so many ways. All of the various reasons have been studied and documented. But in order to find out what planning benefits will support you the most in your life, you have to start planning. Just start! You have to also remain consistent with the practice of planning. I have posted on ways to decide […]

Blogtober 2021

I have been blogging since February 2021. I am still quite new and really enjoying it. I created Find Your Flourish for moms like me who strive for success in all areas of their life including home, work, self care, personal and professional development, homeschooling, relationships with husband and family, friendships. I have attempted to share many helpful hints in […]

5 Questions That Make Mothers Restless at Night

A challenging part of being a mother is always the night. Bedtime routines are investigated and hours of sleep recommended, but beyond that- mothers are also left with their own thoughts during those late night hours when all that can be heard is the deep breathing of a husband and children. Restlessness can be created by a variety of things […]

Mom Guilt Revisited: Let’s Get Over It

Mom guilt can continuously be on a mother’s mind everyday. Each day in motherhood can provide a reason to feel guilty. Mom guilt can come in many forms. It can be descried as a “pervasive feeling of not doing enough as a parent, not doing things right, or making decisions that may ‘mess up’ your kids in the long run.” […]