Blogtober 2021
The Best Planner for Motherhood

The Best Planner for Motherhood

We all know that mom life is full of everyone’s events and plans. You have your own schedule, your husband’s schedule, and your kids’ schedules. It is events, appointments, schedules, tasks on top of more. And you are expected to keep track of it all. I know you have an excellent memory and don’t ever forget where you should be, but a planner is wonderful to take some stress away from all that scheduling.

A picture of one of my actual planners

Benefits of the right planner

Relieve stress

Ever wake up and wonder: what am I going to do today?

With a planner, you can take the guess work out of what is to come. I prefer to plan almost everything because it does help me feel less anxious and more in control of what is happening. Does this mean that my plan always comes to pass? NO. This does not prevent me from planning though. I have learned to be flexible. 

I have also learned that planning helps me focus on the important happenings in life. And let other things fall away.

Move distractions out of the way and focus on what you need to in order to move forward in life. The right type of planner can help you do that!

Improved family communication

It doesn’t matter the size of your family, communication is key. A planner aids with this communication. It helps everyone see what others in the family have to do. It should also help family members assist each other when loads get heavy. You can tell people what you have to do over and over again. Seeing it in writing sometimes makes it even more real. Sometimes others don’t realize all that you have to do. Show them!

As your children grow, planning becomes even more beneficial. There are more activities and more appointments. Having 3 children, I did not look into the future and really think about having to schedule 3 yearly physicals, 3 dentist appointments, 3 sporting activities, etc. This is time out of what I need to do and it is also an awful lot to have to keep up with. Many hours of driving the car throughout the week to various locations.

Accomplish more

A planner makes you accountable to yourself. You can see what needs to be focused on, which encourages you to put steps in place to work towards your goals. It also provides you with a record of occurrences in the past, so you can decide what would be best to do in the future. Social media has us look at others around us throughout our day, every day. But the real competition you need to have is not with who you are following, but with your past self- accomplish more than you did last year. 

Are you wondering what planner would be best for you to use? Some people prefer paper and pen. Others do well with electronic planners. My recommendation is talk to people who enjoy planning and who have benefited from it. Decide what you need in a planner. Then check out reviews of planners you are interested in to see what others like or dislike about them. YouTube is great for flip throughs and descriptions of planners. Whenever I was investigating a new planner, I always watch some videos to aid in my decision.

Here is a post about planning your day like a boss. Check it out here.

Questions to ask when deciding on the right planner

  • What do I need to see to be successful?
  • Do I want my planner to have additional pages for goals, contacts, and notes?
  • Do I need a daily log?
  • Would I prefer to have a time log for each day?
  • Can I utilize a month only planner for all events?

Still wondering about how a planner could help you or what planner you may like? Leave a comment below or contact me via my email link and I can help! Planning has aided me so much in my life. I know you can benefit from using a planner as well.

Connect with Find Your Flourish! on your favorite social media platform and share this post with a friend!

Resource for various planners to use in #momlife: information from another mom who has 6 children with various planners and how they breakdown. You may be able to chose a favorite from here.

I am not a doctor of mental health, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a counselor. I am a wife, mother of 3 children, and an entrepreneur who has numerous life experiences that I utilize to create blog posts, as well as personal research that I perform. I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of motherhood that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

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