Positive Thinking
You are enough: How to stay in control of your future

You are enough: How to stay in control of your future

You are enough! Whatever situation you are facing, you are enough to handle what is in front of you. You just have to realize that before it is too late. So there are plenty of bumper stickers, slogans, t-shirts to remind us that we are enough. 


Mom guilt and Mindset

We can allow ourselves to be riddled with guilt (mom guilt), self doubt, regrets. OR we can allow ourselves to learn from where we are, improve ourselves, reflect confidence. It does take awhile to develop into the second type of person because it takes no effort to be the first one.

I have a post that deals directly with mom guilt and how it can paralyze you. Take over your mindset today and think positive about the decisions you make. You are in charge of your destiny and set the tone for your home. Mom guilt can overtake your mentality to the point where it paralyzes you from living your day to day activities. Now, you can not disregard your children but some decisions have to be made. You have to work. You have to go to do things to allow your home to function. There is no reason to feel guilty because of it. However this feeling does exist and is real. 

For even more information beyond my blog post, find an article related to mom guilt provided by healthline here.

Your children and your behavior

Not only are your children looking to you for help with daily activities, they are also watching you to see what characteristics a “mother” should have. Now, love is at the top of the characteristics, but you also have to display organization, being goal oriented, exhibiting good communication, and many other positive characteristics. It is a lot of pressure. What happens if you display some negative behavior? Like it is a hard day and that one moment of fun the children are having is the last bit of noise you can take. AND you yell , “Be quiet!” Like loud enough that your throat is strained after you say it. Well, I have been there. I can allow that action to stagnate the rest of my interactions for that day or I can move through the moment and explain why I reacted that way. 

If you let your children know what mom needs and why, it is much easier for them to comply. Yes, it would be wonderful if obedience always happened at the first time but we know that is not reality all the time. Obedience should happen because you are in control but don’t you want understanding as well?

I had to realize that even when I need a break, when I need to pull away, when I just want quiet. I am still enough. I am always enough for my family. I am who they need in situations at all times. No one can do it better because these are my people.

Your children don’t judge you. They just look to you for love. Yes, my children judge my dinners and sometimes my outfits now that I have a tween, but they look to me for love at all times. I can give them that. I am enough.

Realizing you are enough

Some define mom guilt as guilt that manifests when a mother compares what she is doing to another mother and looks down on her own decisions thinking that they do not measure up.

Are you able to realize that you are enough for your husband and your children?

Is it possible for you to change your mindset and move into your future?

Can you see beyond that last mistake you made and stop dwelling on it?

Causing yourself to live in past mistakes and not move on makes you unable to succeed at your goals. You have to change your mindset and operate in the present, so you can plan for your future. Realize you are enough! Own your status- you are enough!

New mindset = New you

I used to think that reminding myself of that fact that I was enough everyday was somewhat silly. Like I know who I am and I do know that I am enough.

BUT daily occurrences can push that thought away from the front of my mind. FAST! I have to remind myself of the fact that I am enough so I don’t second guess myself. So I don’t allow one minute to pass when I am thinking that I should have chosen a different path- this is my path and I am enough. The mind is amazing. You can work to train it to think positively about every situation. Work is involved in changing your mindset. Hard work. You have to actively stop yourself from thinking on the undesired outcome of a situation and look to what is the positive that will come of it. Watch how your interaction with your circumstances will change if you decide to put this work into yourself.

Why? Because you have changed.

You are enough!

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Find Your Flourish!

Remember to be you, be focused, and be well!


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