Blogtober 2021
Get Control of the Chaos Using a Brain Dump

Get Control of the Chaos Using a Brain Dump

Brain dump is defined as the act or an instance of comprehensively and uncritically expressing and recording one’s thoughts and ideas (as on a particular topic).

In a recent post, I brought up the subject of using a brain dump. Some of you may immediately have thoughts and a picture in your mind with these words; however some may not know anything about how to use a brain dump. Or you may be in between the two groups of people. Where ever you are on the brain dump continuum, this post was written just for you.

Using a brain dump is a beneficial practice that can help you just organize your thoughts and rid your mind of the clutter that may be present.

Benefits of a Brain Dump

Clear Your Mind

Using a brain dump on a regular basis allows you to empty your mind of unnecessary thoughts. There has been a significant amount of research on the thought processes of humans and how many thoughts we have each day. The number is astounding. Based on research, we experience up to 60,000 thoughts each day. Some of these thoughts, up to 90% of them, can be a repeat from the previous day. Now, you can use a brain dump to capture some of these thoughts; hopefully, this will free up your mind for new thoughts during the next day. New thoughts that can propel you towards your destiny. Successful people do not dwell in the thought area. Once they harness a thought, they put that thought into action. A brain dump assists you in locating those thoughts that can become successful for you.

The other aspect of human thought that is studied is our positivity and negativity. The majority of the thoughts that people have are negative (~80% negative thoughts daily) unless you do some mindset adjustment. There is a complete section on this blog that supports positive thinking during your daily routine and ways to increase your positive thinking. You can find this section of the information here.

Here is another resource that speaks directly towards positive thoughts:


Figuring out where to start can prove to be a challenge. Deciding where to spend the most time can also be difficult. Performing a brain dump and then organizing your thoughts can assist with this. Sometimes I feel like I am not going to be able to accomplish everything that I need to get done in a day. For some time, this feeling of overwhelm would frustrate me and cause me to be paralyzed without moving forward in anything. Looking at my thoughts helps me get organized. With this organization, I feel more in control and more confident in the daily steps I take to accomplish tasks. I also allow myself some grace- knowing that tomorrow is a new day that I can use to get more things done.

A key for me with brain dumping is this prioritization. I create a priority list; not a To-do List. I have 3 top priorities that I need to accomplish during a day so I can feel like I have made gains. Who doesn’t like crossing things off their list?

How to Brain Dump Easily and Effectively

You know your time is limited so whatever you do must have a huge return for you to take time to do it on a regular basis. 

  1. Set a regular time for the brain dump session. This needs to a time where you can be uninterrupted and not distracted. Block out 10 to 15 minutes when you are going to perform your brain dump.
  2. Have a notebook and a pen ready. Choose a notebook that will be specific for your brain dump every time. It is helpful to have your notebook and pen in the same place. Returning to a certain location in your environment will get you into the mindset of what you are about to do. Just like having dinner in the kitchen alerts your body that you are about to eat in the kitchen. Having a peaceful location to perform your brain dump will support the process that you will go through.
  3. Do not judge your thoughts. This is a hard at first. I use to not include things because I thought they weren’t important or I didn’t have enough information to include them on the brain dump; however when you are performing the brain dump, the writing process is not when you decide what is important. Priority setting happens after your time is up.

Put everything down. I don’t restrict myself. I write down appointments I remember. Events that are happening recipes I want to make. Movies I want to watch. I include it all. Thoughts I have about my children. Thoughts about my future. Relationships. Prayers. It becomes a stream of thoughts.

I make the focus of my brain dump to rid myself of having to remember or carry unnecessary thoughts in my mind. I need to use my mental capacity to develop my purpose. I do not need to be trying to remember extraneous things. I also do not need to have to remember important things either.

  1. Decide how you plan to use your brain dump. You can use it to help you in your planning of your week. It can help you decide what you need to focus on in the present, what can be postponed for the future, what you can delegate. It can help to make separate lists to help you become even more organized. Suggestions: Begin at back of your brain dump notebook and title your lists. Once on the list, you can include dates, times, people’s names. This is where you fill in all the details or transfer items to your calendar.

List ideas after your brain dump

  • Future
  • Travel Plans
  • Goals
  • Appointments
  • Tasks
  • Delegated
  • Important dates
  • Holiday plans
  • Books to read
  • Now (include due dates for completion)

Creativity should be included in a brain dump. Doodling is allowed. Decorating is allowed after you are done and start organizing.My motto is use what you need to keep yourself motivated and invested in what you are doing. Set an intention for your brain dump.

Why are you performing it? To be more organized? To free up brain space? To have a first step in your planning process? To support your mental health? You can use a brain dump for all of these things and more.

More information about brain dumping

Using Brain Dumping to Manage Anxiety and “Over Thinking”

How to Untangle Your Mind with a Brain Dump


Brain Dumping for the Stressed and Anxious

4 Simple Steps to Brain Dump for a Smarter Brain

How to Do a Brain Dump & Why You Should

I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. One of these systems is utilizing a brain dump. If you have not tried it out before, I highly recommend that you see how this practice can support you.

Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|

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