How to Build Rock Solid Confidence in your Children
When your baby is first born, you are enamored with their beauty, the cute baby items, and the little baby clothes. It takes some time for the realization to set in that you are raising a human. Like they will not be in this small package forever. There are so many things that have to be addressed as this baby continues to grow and develop. You have dreams and aspirations for your baby. In order to accomplish these dreams, your child has to be confident. Some of this confidence is innate. They are born with it and it continues to grow as they are nourished. Some of their confidence comes from their interactions with you, as well as others. You have a role in how your children’s confidence develops. Help your children build rock solid confidence that will serve them when they are young and as they grow.

One of parenting’s main goals
The one of the main goals of parenting is to assist our children through all the developmental stages. Once they come out of the stages, you hope that they have developed into a wonderful adult who can serve themselves and others in society with their gifts. This is a goal. I don’t think it matters what your background is. We all have a similar goal. Sometimes we go about reaching the goal differently. But the goal is the same.
We want out children to contribute to society in some way. We also want our children to be individuals. Part of being a human is a degree of individuality. We have our own likes and dislikes. We express ourselves in different ways. That is what is so great about humans. We are all individuals!
Sometimes it takes longer for someone to embrace who they are. As a parent, you can help your child with this. You can accept their peculiarities and expose some of your own so they know they are not alone.

Benefits of Family Time
Family time create numerous benefits for family members. The benefits are available for all members of a family no matter their age.
Family time benefits:
- Increase emotional bond
- Improve communication
- Build confidence- this benefit is the focus of this post
- Improve mental health
Motherhood anxiety and mom guilt
Mothers have to fight against anxiety and guilt through the various stages of their children’s lives. Mom guilt is something that mothers deal with to varying degrees as their children grow. Motherhood creates anxiety as well that may relate directly to children and their behavior.

Questions that mothers ask daily that create anxiety
- How will my children act when they are out of the house?
- Are my children able to do well in school?
- Will my children be kind to others?
- Can my children listen to my instructions the first time?
- Do my children like me?
- What will my children be successful doing?
- Will my children stay safe?
Having anxiety can sometimes affect your ability to perform daily activities and routines. If this is the case, see the resource of NAMI for assistance.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
- If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, seek help. If it is an emergency, call 911.
- If you are looking for assistance that is non-emergent, reach out to the National Alliance on Mental Illness https://www.nami.org/help. The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., ET.
- 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org
- You can also text NAMI at Text NAMI to 741-741.
- Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message.
Types of parents
Anxiety may also develop when your children’s behavior is less than optimal. Let’s say their behavior is unacceptable. How do you respond? Are you a tea pot parent that takes some time before the steam builds up and you blow your top? Are you a lightening parent that immediately lashes out when the conditions are less than optimal? Are you a lazy river parent that is nice and slow with responses? Or are you a combination of them all?
- Tea pot parent
- Lightening parent
- Lazy river parent
Your parenting style and how you interact with your children when they exhibit any sort of behavior, good or bad, affects how confidence is developed in your child.

Things that shape children’s confidence
Parenting techniques and interaction with parents
Your style of parenting and how you interact with your children directly affects their confidence level. This means you should assess your interaction with your children. Make note of areas that need improvement. Address these areas. Improve your interaction for the better and see how this effects their confidence level.
Personal decisions and outcomes
Children make decisions from an early age. That is how they begin early learning in the form of cause and effect. If I do something, then something else happens. They continue to make decisions and see how the outcomes of their decisions impact their lives. As a parent, you need to help them develop this decision making and refine their decision making process so that the outcomes of their decisions are positive. Positive outcomes reinforce their thought process and they gain confidence in their abilities.
Friends and their influences
The individuals that your child says are their friends impact their confidence as well. How they are able to interact with their peers, the activities they do together, and their overall interaction influence their confidence. The amount of influence friends have on your child varies based on personality type, as well as their age.

Ways to increase children’s confidence
Family time increases confidence
Spending time with family having engaging interaction increases confidence. Yes, we all have our faults but our family loves us just the same. Family time also allows for children and adults to express themselves and their dreams. With family to provide support, an individual feels like they can go forward into the world with their family supporting them.
Activities they are good at increases confidence
Everyone likes to be good at something. And we all have our gifts. Find out what your children’s gifts are. What their interests are. Encourage them to develop in those areas. Once you find what they enjoy, show your interest in those things too. See what you can do to support them in those activities they enjoy.
Providing freedom to make decisions increases confidence
This is one of the scary parts of parenting. I talk to my mother about it now. My parents let me make more and more decisions as I got older. When your children are young, those decisions are small, but they seem huge to them. Like wearing boots in the summer. As they get older, it may be about dating or school choices. Trust what you have already developed in them. Allow them to think through decisions in their life (within reason) to increase their confidence level.

When to start building children’s confidence
It is never too early to start building confidence in children. When they are babies, we provide them with that initial confidence. We are who they can trust as we feed them, bathe them, and care for them. We provide them with that initial stability in their lives.
It is documented that confidence and self esteem are established by the age of 5 years old. That places a lot of pressure on parents as they are raising little humans. It is a challenge to not make what you consider a mistake and do the right thing as your toddler grows into a child. And you have to instill confidence in them at the same time.
Does this mean if your child is older than the age of 5 years old it is too late to give their confidence a boost? Definitely not! You can always support someone’s confidence. Like your own or your husband’s. I currently have a preteen and know that it is not too late to continue to provide positive support to their confidence.
How confidence changes
I sometimes become aware of a motherhood error I have made. Like I immediately wish I could rewind the situation and do it over. But there are no do overs. I have to continue to move ahead with each child in their own way supporting them and loving them. Confidence increases and decreases as we go through our growth process.
Where is your confidence level at this point in your life? Are you more confident in certain situations than others?
This is no different for our children. Be there to support them when confidence is low and help them raise their confidence level up so they are able to face the next part of life.
This post is to guide you to a starting point so you can build rock solid confidence in your children. I know it is something you can do! Again it is just a starting point. There may be some children who need additional support to increase their confidence level.
I really want to encourage you to be intentional with your interactions with your children, even when you feel like you have tried everything to get control of a situation or have them listen to what you are saying. Come from a place of love! Support the person they are developing into!

Resources about children’s confidence
https://www.pbs.org/parents/learn-grow/age-2/emotions-self-awareness/self-confidence Speaks directly to development of confidence before age 5 years old.
https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/self-esteem Has outcomes and effects that low confidence has on a child. Also provides ways to aid in increasing it for yourself and your children.
I am passionate about optimal work life balance and I can help women excel in both areas without compromising in either area because I have found systems of planning, organization, and personal development that help achieve goals. I created this blog to discuss topics on our journey of motherhood that we experience daily. Come on this journey with me and Find Your Flourish!
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Be you, be focused, be well! Find Your Flourish! |Shanna|
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[…] begins early in life. There are a few blog posts on developing confidence in your children: https://theshannajanel.com/how-to-build-rock-solid-confidence-in-your-children/ and https://theshannajanel.com/secure-your-childs-confidence-using-these-steps/ . Being able to […]
[…] that focus directly on your children’s confidence can be read here about building rock solid confidence in your child and read here about securing your child’s […]
This is such a helpful post. There are so many topics you hit on that I think about often and some that I haven’t; the ‘types of parents’ was especially interesting as I’m pretty sure I’m a tea pot parent! I will definitely save this post to refer back to, thank you for sharing!
Lindsey- I am so glad that you found some information in this post that you could utilize. Thank you for reading! |Shanna|
Building confidence is so important and there are so many things that can tear it down. These are all great ideas. As parents, we should be building our kids up and helping their confidence grow. Wonderful post!
Heidi- Thank you for your comment on this post. I agree with you about building up our children’s confidence. They depend on us for so much and confidence is also something else we can help them with. |Shanna|
What a great read! My son is very confident in certain situations and settings whereas in others it’s like he’s an entirely different child. This post has si much useful info. Thank you for sharing it.
Cristina- I am thankful you read and commented on this post. I hope that you are able to use something from the post to aid in supporting your son’s confidence so those challenging situations become easier for him. |Shanna|
this was a very informative post to mothers & future ones like me
I hope you were able to find something that will assist you in the future for you little ones when the time comes! |Shanna|
I’m so impressed with this post. It’s full of helpful information. In particular, the part about encouraging independence resonates with me. It’s so important to encourage our kiddos to try new things and learn to operate independently. And of course, family time is vital!
Jennifer- I appreciate your comment. Fostering children’s independence is one of those things that most parents are challenged by. I work on it everyday! We want to protect our children from making mistakes, but we want them to be able to depend on themselves and become more independent. It is a delicate balance. |Shanna|
I love all these ideas for growing children’s confidence! I totally agree that family time is so important – for the entire family!!
Rachel- Thank you for reading this post. Family time addresses so many things for all family members. It is awesome! |Shanna|
My daughter’s self confidence has improved lately which I’m so pleased about. She’s 4.5 and is colouring in non-stop so has gotten really good at it which she is proud of and gives us a good opportunity to praise her every day.
Carly- That is so awesome that your daughter’s confidence is improving. It sounds like having you be able to give her that positive reinforcement each day has been good for her. I love watching toddlers change into confident kids. |Shanna|
This is jammed pack with a lot of great information! Thanks for sharing!
Jasmyn- I am thankful you read this post. I hope you found the information helpful in some way. |Shanna|
As I was reading this I found myself thinking back to when my boys were young. Each had a different level of confidence. The youngest was always confident whereas the two older boys seemed to struggle with confidence.
I am definitely going to keep this information handy for my daughter and refer back to it from time to time.
Amber- Thank you for reading! I am so glad you were able to find something that you can refer back to as needed! I am always amazed at the personalities my crew has. They are all so different but I find that they all can use support for their confidence no matter how confident they seem. |Shanna|
Wow. I’m not sure where to start. You have so much good info in here. I think that’s what I love about it most. Building confidence in our kids comes from many different angles. There isn’t just one thing that makes it happen. We have to be ok with ourselves first, and then use many different methods and interactions to build them up. It’s a daily thing in everything we say and do, conscious and unconscious. No pressure right 😂? Thank you for sharing so much information and resources. I’ll be mulling it over over my cup of tea =).
Jacqueline- Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am very passionate about personal development for us as moms and for our children as they grow. It is definitely a lot of pressure trying to juggle everything for yourself and your children. But we can do it. Being self aware of how our interactions shape their future is one of the first steps. I hope you enjoyed your tea! |Shanna|